10 great happenings from last year cont…

Earlier in the week I posted the 10 Great Happenings from Last Year and today I want to write the second part to that post. Doing this exercise was very rewarding to me because I realized that no matter how bad the economy seemed at times this past year many great things happened in my life. I hope that is true with you as well. If you have never done this exercise I suggest you take 30 minutes out of your day and write down at least 10 great happenings from last year. Okay, here is my list:

1.) Published my first book “Anatomy of Sales”

2.) Launched my website and business www.davemcgarry.com

3.) Took a vacation trip to Sanibel Island with my wife

4.) Sold my first 50 books

5.) Had my first online book purchase on ClickBank

6.) First Family trip to Sea World

7.) Won a four day all paid conference trip to the fitness industries biggest trade show

8.) Promoted to Assistant GM of the Cooper Fitness Center at Craig Ranch

9.) Asked by the publisher of Club Industry to write articles for them in 2010

10.) Took 4 family trips in 2009

Every time I look at this list it makes me feel good because when I look back to what I wanted to accomplish this year I accomplished most of my goals. So, after you have your list of 10 great things the next step is to write down 5  lessons you learned from last year. This exercise will be important towards setting your 2010 goals. Okay, go write down your 5 lessons learned and we will talk about those lessons and how to use that information towards creating your best year ever in 2010.

Coach Dave

Create your own luck

Do you believe that luck plays a major role in your success? Well, if you think that only lucky people are successful, you need to start thinking differently. People who are successful put themselves into situations to reap opportunities that arise, and once presented with an opportunity their knowledge and skills allow them to make good decisions. In a previous post “Learning Never Ends” I tell new trainers and interns, the best piece of advice I received early in my career, was to never stop learning. I believe that the success I have achieved to this point has been attributed to that discipline. Another key to creating your own luck is to have a great attitude. I recently read a quote by Joe Cirulli, Gainesville Health and Fitness CEO, about what his thoughts on the economy were and how it is going to affect his business. He said, in their company values they preach this quote, ” We are the creators of our own future.” I could not have said it any better and if you want to be successful then you need to create your own luck.

Here are some other approaches to make luck work for you:

Create a mind map 

Have a plan

Learn from your past and your failures

Always believe in yourself and your abilities

Network, Network, Network – I have had three jobs in my career and they have all been because I knew someone that knew the person who was looking to hire a trainer.

Finish – The journey is never over. The biggest mistake people make is that they give up too soon. As I mention in my book “Anatomy of Sales”  I almost gave up on the fitness industry but hanging on has now led me to where I am today.

The Consumer is DEAD!

I don’t know about you but I am sick and tired of hearing in the media that consumer spending is over. Let me ask you a question, “Did you go all weekend without spending?” I am pretty sure that about 99.9% of you are going to answer the question with a “No”! But Dave, I had to buy food or I bought something I needed. Well, that brings me to my point, people are going to continue to spend, but they will spend on what they feel is of value to them. As I have written in my book “Anatomy of Sales” one of the reasons your clients will buy is value.

VALUE Value is different from person to person. Value is relative to the service you are offering, what the client has paid in the past, how bad the client wants it, and how your client perceives the price between you and your competitors.  It is imperative to demonstrate a value that seems equal to or greater than the price your client is paying.  If you create a perceived value greater than the price you are charging; you are more likely to have your client buy more.

So, remember the next time you hear someone say, “The consumer is DEAD” they are wrong. What you need to say to yourself, “No, consumers will spend, but I need to create value.” You see, if the value is greater than the price you are charging your clients will continue to buy. If you need to add value start today and you will amaze everyone else when you tell them my training is going strong!

Coach Dave

Anatomy of Sales

Do you believe you are selling yourself everyday regardless of your profession? I do, and I have written the book “Anatomy of Sales” to help fitness professionals and personal trainers realize that everyday a sale takes place within your organization or with prospects, and if you want to be successful in your career then you need to master the art of sales. 

So, what will you learn by reading this book?

  • How to close your prospect?
  • How to make people realize they need you?
  • Why they don’t sign up after you explained the benefits?
  • How to change ‘maybe’ to “YES – I’LL START TOMORROW!”
Also within its contents, you’ll learn:
  • How to trigger your prospects to make on-the-spot decisions to hire you.
  • Overcome fear of price rejection.
  • The 5 major reasons people will buy training sessions from you.
  • Setting SMART goals to create a realistic six-figure income.
  • How to build a ‘buzz’ about your fitness training services.
  • How to cherry-pick the right clients who WANT and NEED personal training.
  • Undiscovered new technologies that will help grow your business.
I can promise you that I wrote this book with the fitness professional in mind and I know that the last thing you want to be referred to as is a “Sales” person. So, if you want to learn how to master the art of sales through a new approach then check out my book.
Please let me know if you have any questions or want some more info about the book.
Coach Dave


Hello and welcome to my site. In this post I want to answer a few questions for you.

Who am I?
I am a person who has a passion for fitness, business, and self-improvement.
Why am I here?
I have been in the fitness industry for over 13 years and throughout that time I was always looking for someone to mentor me. So, with all my experience and past mistakes I plan on helping fitness professionals grow in their career and have someone to look towards for answers.
What you can expect?
You can expect to get my personal insights and thoughts about the industry through my blog posts. Also, if you like what you see here in the blog posts and want more in depth training I will be available for coacing.
Why did I write the book “Anatomy of Sales”?
I wrote the book “Anatomy of Sales” after years of coaching all the new trainers that I was hiring and realizing that the skill that these new hires lacked the most were the ability to sell.
Do I plan to offer more products?
Yes, I am working on a monthly newsletter that will be loaded with information on how to become better at sales and business strategies to grow your business.

I hope that you will find my site and blog of interest and will decide to come join the journey with me in the pursuit of achieving greatness in our profession.