What has been holding you back?

Hello everyone!

Welcome to another edition of “Open Blog Friday.”

Today I want to briefly talk to you about barriers. This post probably is more for me than anyone else but I know there are many of you who struggle with some of the same things I do. I guess what I am trying to get at today is, what are the thoughts that you have in your mind that are holding you back? Do you believe that anything is possible with hard work and determination or do you believe that you could never achieve that because of reasons such as, I do not have enough money, enough time, enough resources, etc… I know first hand how these thoughts can creep into your head and how destructive they can be, but if you want to be successful you need to develop mental toughness. Many of us work on being physical tough but we do not focus on challenging our brains to be mentally tough.

Here are some ways to train your brain to be mentally tough:

Set a goal to do something that is totally opposite of what you are currently doing. An example might be to learn how to set up a fully functional blog. For those of us in the fitness area we typically focusing in on learning about Anatomy and Physiology, so getting into the tech world will challenge your brain to learn something new.

Volunteer to speak. People rate public speaking as the second most fear to dying. Get up and speak in front of crowd and you will see that you develop courage and mental toughness.

Become a “What’s Next Kinda Thinker.” When something goes wrong try thinking about what can you do now or think okay what is next for me. Always, be looking forward and leave the past behind.

Finally, get around the right people. If you constantly are surrounded by people who do not believe anything is possible and are always negative than you will not grow and will more than likely get sucked into their negative state of mind. Get around people that cause you to think and grow.

If you are having troubles moving forward take some time and think about what is it that is causing you to not move ahead. Embrace it and then you some of the above strategies to become mentally tough!

In health,

Coach Dave

My First Radio Appearance

Well, I just got off the phone with the host from Fit4Life Radio! I almost messed up and missed the show completely, however, I figured it out and made it on! If you missed it I have posted it here on the blog for you to listen. Enjoy!

Listen to internet radio with Fit4Life Radio on Blog Talk Radio

In health,

Coach Dave

A Turkey Sized Marketing and Sales Tip for You

Happy Thanksgiving Eve to everyone! Today I want to bring you a quick video blog that has a turkey sized marketing and sales tip to help your business. Be safe in your travels and we will see you on the flip side.

Coach Dave

Are you remarkable

Let me ask you a question, “If you were driving down the road and saw a cow, would you stop?” No, you have seen thousands of cows before, but “what if you were continuing to drive down the road and saw a purple cow, would you stop?” Maybe, or at least slow down and see what the heck is that. What I am getting at here today, on another edition of Open Blog Friday, is the idea of being remarkable! Yesterday, someone whom I follow on Facebook shared this video by Seth Godin and I remembered hearing him back at IHRSA several years ago talking about this idea. I have posted the video for you below but want to talk briefly today about how being remarkable can make a difference in your life and business.

The video takes place back in 2003 but is still completely relevant. Probably, even more so today! Why? Well, for one, the club market has become saturated and consumers have way too many choices. And secondly, consumers have a ton of choices and want to be inspired by something new and different. This is why you need to differentiate your product and service. Otherwise, if consumers don’t see a difference they will have no other choice but to make it about price. Now, if we leave it up to being all about price, we are destined to fall as an industry. Here is where being remarkable comes into play!

All right, I have posted the video below and want you to watch it. Now, as you are watching it, begin to think of ways you can become remarkable? Think of ways you can stand out from the herd and be something that people want to belong to. If we all put a little more effort into being remarkable this world we be a better place!

If you have examples of how you or your club is being remarkable please share below with your comments!

Make it a great weekend!
Coach Dave!

How to Build a Blog for your Fitness Business in 31 days

Have you been wanting to build a blog for your fitness business? Are you unsure of how to get started?

Well, let me just share with you one resource that I used to get started. About two years ago I was searching for books on how to build a successful blog and at that time there was some books out there that talked about all the nuts and bolts to blogging, but one stood out to me over the rest. Darren Rowse, at Pro Blogger.com, was the first book I purchased to get me started. The book was a good start for me and started me on the path to creating what is now DaveMcGarry.com. However, shortly there after Darren came out with a step by step workbook on how to create a successful blog in 31 days! That changed everything for me. You see, I was just throwing things out there on my blog and from time to time really searched for what to write and post.”31 Days to better blogging” changed all that for me. Having a step by step guide to what to write and how to create a great blog was awesome. Actually, what I do now is when I am in a down cycle with my blog I take out the workbook and start the 31 day process all over again. Click here to view more details. Trust me it really took me to another level when it came to my blog. If you are serious about creating a blog for your fitness business then this is the tool for you. Go check it out and I promise you will not be disappointed by it.