Do you Have a Dream?

Today we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King day in our county and as I am writing this I am returning from D.C. I absolutely love going to D.C. and love visiting all the sights no matter how many times I see them, which brings me to what I want to talk to you about today. You see, Dr. King, as well as our founding fathers had a dream. They dreamed of freedom for all and a place where all people were equal. They had a vision for a better world. So, I am asking you today, what are your dreams? What do you want your life, career and world you live in to be like? You were put on this earth for a purpose and you should be dreaming of better you, better career, and a better world. I know not everyone considers himself or herself a dreamer, but you should be. That being the case there are a couple of things I want to recommend for you to start doing.

A few years ago I was listening to a CD by Jim Rohn, who was talking about having a better life. One of the mental exercises he had us do was to take a few minutes and imagine that there were no obstacles in your way and to write down 50 things you wanted to do in life. Write down every thing no matter how small or big. He said, to just let you mind wander and see where it takes you. Now, I have to admit I had a hard time at first coming up with 50 things, but once I started t o dream of all things I wanted to do in my life and what kind of legacy I want to leave the pen started to just write. It was a great exercise because today as I am writing this I still have that list on my desk. I look at it from time to time and am amazed at how much I have started to achieve. I have said it before and I will say it again you need to write down your goals and have it somewhere you will see them on a regular basis.

Now, having gone through that exercise was great but the next step I am going to recommend coincides with Jim’s exercise, but takes it a step further. You see, most of us learn better through visualization. That being the case you need to take those goals and create what is called a “Dream Board.” This will take a little longer but print out pictures of the things you want to have or accomplish in your life. Fill the board with as many as you can fit on there. Remember these are your dreams so go big!
So, in closing, celebrate and honor Dr. King by having a dream. Dream to become better. Dream to be more. And dream to make a difference in this world.

In health,
Coach Dave

P.S. If you want to be inspired I attached the speech by Dr. King, so go watch it!

Will 2011 be a great year

As a kid I loved the movie “Back to the Future”. I mean how cool would it be to have a DeLorean that could take you back in time or into the future! Unfortunately, the reality is we do not have a time machine to allow us to travel back to the past or into the future. However, we do have the ability to create the kind of future we want to have for ourselves. I know many people have been struggling and have all but given up on their dreams of a better life, but before you do that, let me tell you about an event I went to over the weekend that really gave me a boost of optimism for 2011.

Over the weekend I attended a Charles Schwab trading forum event. For me, I have always loved the stock market and investing. The conference was great and I am now going to start doing some different trading in my account. I know for most of you putting your money in a mutual fund and have someone manger is all you want to do but for me I like to do some of my own investing. Okay, I don’t want to get off to far from my main point here, so let me tell you about the best part of the event.

The best part of the event was the keynote speaker, Tyler Matheson. Tyler, is a CNBC journalist and anchor of the show “Power Lunch.” Tyler talks to some of the most respected CEO’s and government officials all over the world. So, when it comes to seeing what the future business climate might be like, Tyler is a great resource.

Matheson shared with us several things and here are some of his findings. According to Matheson, growth should pick up, consumers are finally starting to open their wallets again, and companies are starting to hire again. This is all great news but there was one last thing that he said that really hit a nerve with me and got me optimistic about the future.

As Matheson was closing his speech he wrapped it up by talking about some of the struggles this country has had during its existence. One of those periods was the years 1980-1982. Now, I realize some of us were to young to remember or maybe not even born, but for those that do remember he said, “back in the early 80’s people thought America was at its darkest, but looking back, we now know the biggest technological revolution began and we had the biggest expansion in capitalism.” At that moment I felt some goose bumps and a sense of optimism of what the future can be like. How true, in my life experiences just when I think to myself things are so bad something happens and my life bounces back into prosperity.

So, will 2011 be a great year? I believe it will but more than anything you have to believe. If you have had a negative attitude towards everything that has happened in the last two years you need to let it go. If you realize that everything goes in cycles and that when you seem to be at your last wit or darkest moment you are on your way back to prosperity.

To your success,
Coach Dave

Are you going to be spooked forever?

I am sitting here the eve before the eve of Halloween and watching all the scary ads from the politicians on TV. As much as we hate the political ads that are constantly running on TV before the election, the truth of the matter is, politicians know they work and that is why the blast them nonstop.

Now, I am not going to talk politics today, but what I want do want to talk to you about today is, your mind set. Let me ask you a simple question, “Do you dwell on the fact that things are not going to get better?”  The reason I am asking this question is because I saw a poll that said people are less optimistic today then a few years ago about whether or not they would be able to live the America Dream. I was kinda baffled by this. I mean we live in the greatest country in the world and the potential for greatness has never been better. We have so many more advantages then are grandparent and parents did that it is unconscionable to me to think that the American Dream is dead! And for those of you that are hoping that the election will change that then think again. It doesn’t matter what political affiliation you have government is never going to be the answer. If you want a better life or better career it is up to you!  You have to choose whether or not you are going to continue to be spooked by all the negative things around you or whether or not you are going to step up today and decide to move forward with your career, life, and relationships. I believe things are going to get better, but that is my choice in believing that. I once heard a quote from someone who said, “Any day above ground is a great one!”

So, let me challenge you today! Decide today is going to better, start dreaming again!

Okay before I go let me tell you a little something about me that you may not know. Several years ago I started doing this with my clients and it worked for them and myself. Typically this time of year people start to check out and put everything off until the New Year. Well, what I did was set my New Year’s goals and start my New Year on Nov 1st! Yes, two months before everyone else. The main reason I started this was to help me get through the holidays when sometimes it is tough to stay focused. This approach also worked well with my health and fitness goals because it helped me keep a balanced approached on my eating.

Now, this might not work for you, but do me a favor and don;t wait until election day to start believing in bigger and better things. Start believing that things are going to be great today!

As we say in the fitness industry it is never too late to start exercising and changing your lifestyle. That principle is the same for you personally.

On Monday I am going to be sharing with you a few things  I have planned for my New Year! See you then!

Coach Dave