Knowing your Break Even will Help You Make A Profit

Yesterday, I wrote a post entitled ” Are You Making This Mistake in Your Small Business” and I revealed to you a shameful mistake that I made and pointed out that I believe many small business owners do as well. Today, I want to talk to you about the main reason we do business. First of all, let me ask you a question, “Why are you in Business?” Now, I assume your answer is to make money or a make a profit. With that being said let me ask you another question and that is do you know how many units or services you need to sell to Break Even and eventually make a profit? If we agree that we are in business to make a profit then it is equally or even more important to know when the business will become profitable.

Let me tell you finding this number out for me and with my business has been the best thing that could have happened to me. Like I said in yesterday’s post they teach you this the first day in business school but I, like most of us, just pushed ahead because we are ambitious to make things happen and start our business. This is a mistake though because not knowing when the business is going to be profitable leads to the business failing. Knowing when you become profitable allows you to plan how much cash you will need to have on hand to stay afloat until the business can generate positive cash flow.

Going through this with my business has been a life saver. I know now exactly when I will start making money and can plan sales and lead conversion goals around the number of sales I need to make to be profitable. Before I just started each day doing random things that needed to get done and did not have a planned approach on how many sales calls and lead conversions I would need to make my monthly, quarterly, and yearly goals.

So how do you calcualte your Break Even point?

First, you need to figure out all your Fixed Costs (FC). These include line items such as, rent, marketing, salaries, utilities, operating costs, etc… These items are consistent month in and month out.

Next, you need to figure out your variable costs (materials). Typically this will be the cost of selling each product or the cost to produce.

Then you need to take the price of your product or the average selling price of all your products if you sell more then one and make an assumption of how many sales you can make in a time period. For this exercise let’s say a year.
Now multiply the total number of units times the price of the product to get the total sales.

Below you will see the equation

Total sales(TS) -(VC)=Gross Income

Then take your gross income and divide that by Total sales to get your gross margins

To find your Break Even point you then do the following step:
(FC)/Gross Margin

Here is an example:
FC 5422
VC 200
Product Price 19.95

Units sold 100

Total Sales 1995

Gross Income 1795

Gross Margin 90%

Break Even Sales 6026.95

BE Transactions 302

In this example you can see that my fixed costs are $5422 and variable costs are $200 (you base the VC on # of units sold so for this example I used 100 units and each unit costs me $2 to sell)

Then do all the other calculations and you get to the following result.
I need to sell 302 units at the current price to get a total sales of $6026.95. Once I hit that level everything else is going to be profit.

So, can you see how helpful it is to know your Break Even point. Listen, if you ever want financing or investors that is one of the first things that they are going to ask for.

Go figure yours out now and if you need help you can contact me.

Stay tuned for the next post where we talk about your “Score Card!”

To Your Success,

Coach Dave

Are you remarkable

Let me ask you a question, “If you were driving down the road and saw a cow, would you stop?” No, you have seen thousands of cows before, but “what if you were continuing to drive down the road and saw a purple cow, would you stop?” Maybe, or at least slow down and see what the heck is that. What I am getting at here today, on another edition of Open Blog Friday, is the idea of being remarkable! Yesterday, someone whom I follow on Facebook shared this video by Seth Godin and I remembered hearing him back at IHRSA several years ago talking about this idea. I have posted the video for you below but want to talk briefly today about how being remarkable can make a difference in your life and business.

The video takes place back in 2003 but is still completely relevant. Probably, even more so today! Why? Well, for one, the club market has become saturated and consumers have way too many choices. And secondly, consumers have a ton of choices and want to be inspired by something new and different. This is why you need to differentiate your product and service. Otherwise, if consumers don’t see a difference they will have no other choice but to make it about price. Now, if we leave it up to being all about price, we are destined to fall as an industry. Here is where being remarkable comes into play!

All right, I have posted the video below and want you to watch it. Now, as you are watching it, begin to think of ways you can become remarkable? Think of ways you can stand out from the herd and be something that people want to belong to. If we all put a little more effort into being remarkable this world we be a better place!

If you have examples of how you or your club is being remarkable please share below with your comments!

Make it a great weekend!
Coach Dave!

Are you going to be spooked forever?

I am sitting here the eve before the eve of Halloween and watching all the scary ads from the politicians on TV. As much as we hate the political ads that are constantly running on TV before the election, the truth of the matter is, politicians know they work and that is why the blast them nonstop.

Now, I am not going to talk politics today, but what I want do want to talk to you about today is, your mind set. Let me ask you a simple question, “Do you dwell on the fact that things are not going to get better?”  The reason I am asking this question is because I saw a poll that said people are less optimistic today then a few years ago about whether or not they would be able to live the America Dream. I was kinda baffled by this. I mean we live in the greatest country in the world and the potential for greatness has never been better. We have so many more advantages then are grandparent and parents did that it is unconscionable to me to think that the American Dream is dead! And for those of you that are hoping that the election will change that then think again. It doesn’t matter what political affiliation you have government is never going to be the answer. If you want a better life or better career it is up to you!  You have to choose whether or not you are going to continue to be spooked by all the negative things around you or whether or not you are going to step up today and decide to move forward with your career, life, and relationships. I believe things are going to get better, but that is my choice in believing that. I once heard a quote from someone who said, “Any day above ground is a great one!”

So, let me challenge you today! Decide today is going to better, start dreaming again!

Okay before I go let me tell you a little something about me that you may not know. Several years ago I started doing this with my clients and it worked for them and myself. Typically this time of year people start to check out and put everything off until the New Year. Well, what I did was set my New Year’s goals and start my New Year on Nov 1st! Yes, two months before everyone else. The main reason I started this was to help me get through the holidays when sometimes it is tough to stay focused. This approach also worked well with my health and fitness goals because it helped me keep a balanced approached on my eating.

Now, this might not work for you, but do me a favor and don;t wait until election day to start believing in bigger and better things. Start believing that things are going to be great today!

As we say in the fitness industry it is never too late to start exercising and changing your lifestyle. That principle is the same for you personally.

On Monday I am going to be sharing with you a few things  I have planned for my New Year! See you then!

Coach Dave