Part II of 7 tips to getting more personal training clients

Yesterday, I presented to you the first three of the seven tips to getting more personal training clients. So, today I am going to give you two tips that could be the most important money making tips for your personal training business. Yes, I believe these next two tips will separate you from everyone else. Okay here is tip number 4 and 5.

4.) Create a blog- by now everyone has heard of blogs but not everyone has one and contributes regularly to it. The reason having a blog is so important is that you create a platform to share information, articles, and ideas about who you are and what you believe in. Now this is not a “how to start a blog post” but if you want some great info or program to create your blog then you need to check out Darrren Rowse’s 31 days to Build a Better Blog Click here to view more details. Once you have your blog set up make sure all your clients subscribe to it and tell them that you will post regularly to it. The number one goal is to provide valuable content that adds value to the relationship you have with your clients. 

5.) Write an ebook – It has never been easier to write a book. The technology we have today allows you to write your own book and self publish it. You can make it an e-book or a traditional hardback and market and distribute it online. Writing an e-book will do two things for you. One, you will be recognized as an expert and gain tremendous credibility. The second benefit will be that you now can gain new clients with out even training. You essentially will have created another passive income stream while not having to wake up at 6 am to train. Once again this is not a “how to” article on writing an ebook but if you want more info on that email me at and I will consult with you on how to get started. Now, since I believe in leading by example you can check out my ebook at . Good luck and start writing.

My Lucky Day

I consider today to be my lucky day! Why you ask? Well, today is the 3 year anniversary of my father’s passing and today I am grateful to still be here carrying out my purpose in life. You see, for the longest time I was fighting what I was put here to do and it took my father dying of a heart attack to realize that I am here to help change the health and wellness of this country and if I really dream big, the world! So today as a tribute to my dad I am giving away a copy of my ebook, “The Anatomy of Sales” to anyway who wants it. All you have to do is send me an email and put in the subject “My Lucky Day”. 

If any one would like to share their story on how they found their purpose in life I would love to hear it!

Coach Dave

The Consumer is DEAD!

I don’t know about you but I am sick and tired of hearing in the media that consumer spending is over. Let me ask you a question, “Did you go all weekend without spending?” I am pretty sure that about 99.9% of you are going to answer the question with a “No”! But Dave, I had to buy food or I bought something I needed. Well, that brings me to my point, people are going to continue to spend, but they will spend on what they feel is of value to them. As I have written in my book “Anatomy of Sales” one of the reasons your clients will buy is value.

VALUE Value is different from person to person. Value is relative to the service you are offering, what the client has paid in the past, how bad the client wants it, and how your client perceives the price between you and your competitors.  It is imperative to demonstrate a value that seems equal to or greater than the price your client is paying.  If you create a perceived value greater than the price you are charging; you are more likely to have your client buy more.

So, remember the next time you hear someone say, “The consumer is DEAD” they are wrong. What you need to say to yourself, “No, consumers will spend, but I need to create value.” You see, if the value is greater than the price you are charging your clients will continue to buy. If you need to add value start today and you will amaze everyone else when you tell them my training is going strong!

Coach Dave