22 minutes to generating business on Facebook

What if  I told you that all you need to do is set aside 22 minutes of your time and you could be generating business on Facebook.
I mean let’s face it you have heard all the buzz about how you need a Facebook Fan Page for your business but do you really know what you need to do to convert ‘Fans’ into customers. Don’t worry I was right there with you when I first started but I finally realized I needed to learn more about how to use my fan page to capture leads and eventually get sales.
I came across a guy by the name of Brian Moran who didn’t just promote his product as a “buy this to make millions” but showed me how to grow a fan base that actually buys from you. Brian practices what he preaches and gives out great content.
Check out this live demo from Brian Moran of Get 10,000 Fans! Brian has taken multiple Fan Page from 0 to 10,000 fans and way beyond. And here is a short demo he did about 2 unbelievably common mistakes so many of us make when marketing on Facebook. Check it out!
Oh, and yes in full disclosure that is my affiliate link but as I always do I never promote anyone that I have not personally either used their products or followed them for some time.
I truly believe that if you just follow one or two of Brian’s strategies you will grow a Facebook Fan page that will give you paying customers.

3 Ways to Make Money As A Blogger

Would you like to use your expertise and use your words to make money?

There are several ways for you to do this online. But one of the fastest, easiest ways is to start up a niche blog. And since a blog is so flexible, there are also plenty of ways to monetize it.

Here are the top three ways:

1. Sell your products.

This is the most obvious way to make money with a blog: If you have products or services to sell, then promote them on your blog.

You can put permanent banners and text ads in the sidebar. You can also weave your product links into your actual blog posts.

Example: Let’s suppose you’re selling a weight loss book on your blog. You can post a “Top 10 Tips for Losing Weight” article on your blog. And then at the end of the article you can include a link to your book, “101 Tips for Losing Weight.” If people like your 10 tips, then they’ll be eager to buy your book.

Why does this work so well?

Because blogging gives you the opportunity to showcase your expertise. When you establish yourself as a trusted expert, people are more likely to buy from you.

2. Sell affiliate products.

Don’t have your own products?

No problem: You can sell affiliate products. That means that you get a commission every time someone buys a product or service through your affiliate link.

There are plenty of big companies that have affiliate programs. One of the most popular affiliate programs for physical products is the Amazon.com program, simply because your buyers already know and trust Amazon.com.

But if you’re going to sell downloadable information products, then one of the best affiliate programs is via Clickbank.com, where you’ll find thousands upon thousands of products to sell. Best of all, the commission rates are generous. You’ll see them as high as 50% and even 75%!

3. Insert AdSense ads.

Still another way to make money on your blog is by showing Google AdSense ads on your site. You make money every time someone clicks on your ad!

Here’s the biggest benefit of this method:

You don’t have to sell a thing. You don’t have to convince anyone to buy.

All you have to do is post good content on your site to attract prospects… and you get paid every time they click on an ad. It’s easy!

What’s  the next step so I can make money you ask?

I’m sure by now you can see that there’s a world of profitable opportunities waiting for anyone who wants to start up a blog.

If you’d like to know what the Net’s wealthiest bloggers know about making money with a blog, then look no further than the 31 Day Guide to Blogging For BUcks.

Make Money Blogging

Get your copy here: http://www.davemcgarry.com/cms/bloggingforprofits – and do it now, because this make money guide will really open your eyes to the possibilities!

Crush Your Job

Happy Labor Day! I hope today you are enjoying some R&R and spending time with your family and friends. Tonight I have my Fantasy Football draft and I am hoping to come away with a winning team.

Listen, today I want to share with you a product I recently purchased that shows you how to make money on EBAY. I have always known that EBAY is a great market place but for some reason I never thought about the potential it has for fitness professionals.

If you are interested in creating another passive revenue stream for your business check out this product. It has a 60 day money back guarantee. Also, in full disclosure the link I am providing is my affiliate link for the product. I am extremely pleased with the product and am looking forward to launching several products in the near future. Take a look and let me know what you think.

Okay, I have to go do some research for the draft tonight.


Getting started selling High Profit Information Products on
eBay® is much easier than you think and I am going to prove
it by letting your try out one of my most highly
recommended eBay® training courses for free.

Here’s what I’m talking about:

Simply order the most comprehensive step-by-step training
system I’ve ever seen for selling Info Products on eBay® –
“The Auction Profit Machine(TM) “.

Take a full 2 months to learn and apply everything in the

If it isn’t everything I say it is, or if you don’t like
it for any reason or no reason at all, Jeff and Rob will
happily refund every single penny of your money. No
questions asked.

See for yourself:

Even if you ask for a refund, you can keep the entire
course for free.

So basically, you could rip them off if you wanted to.

I know it might seem crazy to offer a guarantee like this
and a lot of people told them they were nuts for doing it.

But not me; I think their 60 day “test drive guarantee” is
pure brilliance!

Check it out for yourself:

I know once you dive into the material and see the
enormous value you’re getting you’ll want to keep the
course forever and refer to it for many years to come.

It really is that good.

I’ve always said “Selling information products is truly
the ultimate lifestyle business” –

And selling information products on eBay® is one of the
lowest-risk, highest profit business I’ve ever seen!

You can have someone fill your orders instantly with no shipping
hassles. No more standing in line at the post office with
the other eBay® sellers. This will save you an enormous
amount of time.

Highly Recommended:

You will eliminate your competition. Your info-products
have your own unique story behind them. No two info-
products will ever be the same. And if people want your
information, they have only one source to get it from…
YOU. This will annihilate your competition and set you
free from worries.

You won’t have to invest a lot of time in creating your
products. This is key. You’re going to learn about
instant product creation and you’ll also discover how to
create a huge library of products to sell without doing any
of the work.

You effortlessly create unlimited opportunities for
backend sales. These are sales after your initial sale.
Once someone buys from you and they like what you offer,
they become raving fans. Then they’ll want to buy
virtually everything else you create.

Here’s the whole story:

This is a huge opportunity. A single customer can be
worth thousands of dollars over his or her lifetime.
Nothing is better suited for this than selling information
products. Nothing.

And that’s why Jeff and Rob are willing to put all of the
risk on their shoulders.

Download “The Auction Profit Machine: The ‘No Risk’ System
For Quick and Easy eBay® Profits!” training manuals and
video tutorials today.

Use the materials for a full 2 months.

And if you don’t get amazing results from it, get your
money back and keep the entire course for free.

Check it out:

So, ask yourself this “what do I have to lose?”

Simply order our brand new Auction Profit Machine(TM) course

Take 2 months to learn and apply everything in the course.

If it isn’t everything I say it is, or if you don’t like
it for any reason or no reason at all, Jeff and Rob will
happily refund every single penny of your money.

Even if you ask for a refund, you can keep the entire
course for free.

No hassles, no questions, no hoops to jump through.

Just ask for your money back and they’ll refund it

These guys will even let you keep the entire course and
all the bonuses for free just for giving them a chance to
prove to you how truly powerful their new eBay® training
manuals and video tutorials really are.

Get started selling info products on ebay today:

It really is that simple so do yourself a favor and order
it today while they are still offering it at the
ridiculously low introductory price. It won’t last long!

Jeff and Rob are real people selling a real product and I
can’t recommend it highly enough.

Like I said before, what do you have to lose?

Check it out:

Enjoy the course,

David McGarry

P.S. Do yourself a huge favor and get your hands on Jeff’s
incredible new “The Auction Profit Machine: The Less Work, More
Money, Higher Profits System For Quick and Easy eBay® Profits!” training
manuals and video tutorials today before he raises the price…

They promised me they would raise the price soon… and I believe them so
don’t miss out on this incredibly generous introductory offer.

Great stuff… check it out: