Are you like a Lawn Mower?

My Lawn Mower

I just fininshed mowing my lawn and I said this a couple of weeks ago on my Facebook page but for me mowing the lawn is so therapeutic. Her is  a picture of my lawn mower and yard. As you can see I have quite a bit to mow, so it allows me to focus and think about what it is I want to accomplish in my lifetime.

My Yard

Now, my dad would laugh at me because when he was alive he owned his own commericial landscape business and they would consider my yard puny. They would do my lawn just for the fun of it!

Anyway, as I was mowing my yard I was thinking about an article I read last week in Dan Kennedy’s marketing newsletter. In the article he made reference to Walt Disney. He said, “Walt Disney had described most people as lawn mowers.” Interesting!  He goes on to say that Disney said, ” People start each week at one end of the same patch of grass and plod along, back and forth, back and forth, head down, until week’s end at the other side of the lawn, then next week is the same all over again. Wow, I started to think, man that is exactly what I had been doing for some time now.

You see, the week is going to end anyway, why not do something everyday that is different, creative, and interesting. Why not do something that is beneficial to to others as well as yourself. Make your days matter?

Ask yourself this, and I do this constantly, “If you had six months to live what would you want to do with the rest of your days here?”

Seriously, would you stay in a job that gives you no fulfillment or rewards?

Would you spend more time with family?

Would you call a friend you have spoken to in awhile?

Whatever it is, start mowing differently and choose to get everything out of life!

Now, summer is almost over and my days of mowing are coming to end. Anyone have any ideas as to how I am going to get my therapy?

Coach Dave

20 minute payday price increase

I wanted to get this out to you and get you to act right now. I have gone through half the training and I have learned a ton of information that I will be applying to my new products that I am launching soon. Unfortanutely, had I bought this sooner I might already be to market with my new information products for fitness professionals. Please take a look at this. It is the best $37 you could spend. Who knows it could be the product that sets you free and allows you  to create financial freedom. Here is the email with the link.

I just received word that the price of 20 Minute Payday
is going to go up…

If you have waited to see if decide you
should invest in 20 Minute Payday, well it’s


They haven’t said what the price will jump to,
only that it will be going up after this initial
promotion ends.

You might be thinking that this is just a
“Marketing PLOY”, but I did some checking
and found out that Russell usually does this.

I guess a few months ago he launched a product called”Instant Social Anarchy”.
Without WARNING he jacked up the price by $100!
Don’t pay more than you have to.

Get access today, and start making money NOW.

David McGarry

Don’t say you weren’t warned…


*The sender of this email receives
compensation for products purchased
herein. This is an ad.

Are you going to quit?

I had to share this video with you. Sports has always been something that I felt gave me a solid background to my character. If you have played sports you know what I am talking about. Also, today is a special day for me. My youngest daughter turns two today and I want to leave this video on the blog today to let her know that the game is on and her dad will never quit. I hope she has that resolve one day as well!

The Abundance Network

I just received this email from a guy named Joe Vitale. You may have heard of him before or seen him on the Fox News Channel. Please read this email and share it with your friends and your co-workers becuase we need inspiration and positivity in our lives.

Coach Dave

By Joe Vitale

I just recorded my new audio program in
Chicago. I’ll tell you about it soon but
want to share something with you first.

I was interviewed about the program while
there. The host asked, “Joe, with the economy
in the tank and sinking, what are we to do?”

“How do you know it’s sinking?” I asked.

But I didn’t give the host a chance to reply.

I went on saying —

“The only reason you think it’s terrible out
there is because you are being programmed
to think so by the mainstream media.”

The host stared at me as I went on my
soapbox and continued —

“The media is trained to find bad news
and broadcast it to you. The more they
do it and you believe it, the worst the
world looks. It then becomes a self-
fulfilling prophecy. You live from the
new paradigm of scarcity and the media,
doing its job, broadcasts it. You don’t
even see it happening. It feels real.”

I then turned direction and said —

“But what if there was a different channel
to watch or listen to? What if there was an
Abundance Network and all it broadcast were
stories of people succeeding, accomplishing,
attracting and achieving?”

I continued with —

“We all know that there are people doing
well in the world right now. If this alternative
media broadcast their positive news, you
would soon be programmed to see the
world as an abundant place. You would
then create a self-fulfilling prophecy of
abundance. THAT would then feel real.”

My host barely had time to stutter before
I kept going with —

“Look. Both types of world exist right now —
the lousy economy one as well as the abundant
economy one. The trick is, which are you going to
let program you? Which do you want to live in?”

I’m not aware of an Abundance Network yet.
But until something like it exists — or until
my new audio program comes out in late
October — what are you to do?

Here’s my suggestion —

Reprogram your mind.

Take charge of it.

Feed it the positive and you’ll see and then
attract the positive.

You’ll “tune in” to the Abundance Network
in your own mind.

And then you can thumb your nose at the
doomsayers out there.

You can become immune to them.

How can you do this?

Go see —

It’s the single best thing you can do for yourself
at this time in history.

It’ll tell you the true story of a broke man who
found the secret to fulfilling virtually any
desire you may have.

And it’ll tell you how to easily program your mind
with the positive while you do something even
easier than watching TV.

Go to —

What station will you choose — the Scarcity
Network or the Abundance Network?

It’s your move.

And your mind.



PS — You’ll get about $1,150 in mind shifting
goods when you go to that site. So why not
go there right now, while it’s on your mind
and you know you’re curious? Go here —

Request: Please forward this message to friends.
Let’s create “The Abundance Manifesto” with
this email as a way to kick-start the dialogue.

Note: My new audio program will be out late
October. It’s called “The Abundance Paradigm:
Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of
Creation.” Stay tuned for details.

Follow me:

Dr. Joe Vitale “Aude aliquid dignum” *

Author of way too many books to mention,
including the bestsellers “The Attractor Factor,”
“Life’s Missing Instruction Manual” and ooohhh
so many more, including the head spinner,
“Zero Limits” and the mega-hit, “The Key.”

New: “Attract Money Now!” Read it gratis at

A star in the movies “The Secret,” “The Opus,”
“The Compass,” “Try it On Everything,” “Leap,”
“Beyond Belief” and “The Meta-Secret”

Creator of Miracles Coaching, Hypnotic Writing,
Hypnotic Writing Wizard and Hypnotic Marketing

See it all at

Member BBB 2003 – 2010

* 16th century Latin: “Dare something worthy”

Hypnotic Marketing Inc, PO Box 2924, Wimberley, TX 78676, USA

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“Behind me is infinite power, before me is endless possibility, around me is boundless opportunity, why should I fear?”

I was just reading something that was referring to discovering the power of belief and it made me really think. Basically, the story was about the four minute mile. You see, for more than a hundred years, runners tried to break the four-minute mile. It was considered the “Holy Grail” of track and field. Doctors wrote articles and published research in medical journals about how it is physically impossible to run a mile in less than four minutes.

Well, that changed in 1954, when a British medical student named Roger Bannister ran the mile in 3:59.4. It made headlines around the world and you know what happened next. The four minute mile was broken the next month and then again and again. More than 700 people have broken the four minute barrier.

You know why? Because people finally believed it could be done. It is extremely amazing how the mind works. If today you are struggling in some fashion of your life and you just think this is how it is always going to be remember Roger Bannister. He believed it could be done. Start believing and things will happen.

Coach Dave