Change your Attitude or Else?

Okay, it happened to me again. I found myself getting sucked into all the doom and gloom talk that is out there. I have carried the label of optimism with me for as long as I can remember but there have been times in my life I have lost my sense of hope and fallen victim to all the naysayers out there. However, I have been able to pull myself out of the dark hole time and time again due to the fact that when I find myself feeling negative I find something positive to read or listen to so that I can break the negative cycle. As Zig Ziglar says, ” Motivation is like taking a bath, you need it daily.” I could not agree more with that quote and I can tell you that when you read or listen to something positive your attitude will change. This is the key point I want to make is that your attitude is everything and if you want your life to be great then you need to start with attitude!

Attitudes of successful people

I. I can attitude

I played sports as a kid and there were numerous times that I would tell my mom that I just can’t do it and almost every time I remember my mom telling me that if I set my mind to it I could accomplish anything. You know of course at the time I was like “right mom, whatever!” However, after reflecting back on the things I have accomplished in my life so far she was absolutely right. Sure I have had failures but when I believed I could do something I went after it and did it. If you have “I Can’t” in your mind and vocabulary you will never reach the potential that you are capable of reaching. 

II. Long term outlook

We are a “I needed it yesterday society.” All too often I hear people say well I tried to do it for a couple of weeks and it did not work out. As the saying goes, “Rome was not built in a day” well neither is long term success. If you were to study people who have had great success you will notice that it did not come over night. It also did not come without setbacks and hard work. So, if you set your attitude to thinking long term you will not be disappointed if it doesn’t happen overnight.

III. Being flexible is key

This is pretty self explanatory. If you are too rigid and not willing to adapt to the situations around then success is going to be hard to come by. When times get tough, and trust me they will, you need to have a positive attitude. Your attitude will be the determining factor in how well you weather the storm.

IV. Turn away from yourself and help others

I have found that one of the most gratifying times in my life is when I have focused on helping others and putting their needs ahead of mine. Numerous times I have had a great sense of satisfaction after seeing one of my clients reach their goals. After seeing success from someone you helped it creates a positive vibe and attitude that allows you continue to help others and make an impact in this world.

So, if you are falling into that trap of negativity then focus on those four strategies above to keep you thinking positive. Let me tell you the longer you stay in that vacuum of negativity and let others influence you with negativity then you will squander opportunities to be successful. Remember you have a choice and I hope you choose to implement these strategies to get you moving in the right direction .

Your guide on how to be a successful personal trainer

How Do I Become a Successful Personal Trainer?

If there’s one question that is the foundation for this blog it’s this one and since 2008 I’ve been writing post after post on the topic – to the point where it’s difficult for a new reader to find a place to start.

The following list of links are my suggestions on key posts on the topic of becoming a successful personal trainer from my blog archives. I hope you find them to be useful.

A Personal Guide to Become a Successful Trainer

The Answer to the Million Dollar Question  

– I am always asked the question of “How do I get more personal training clients? In this post I answer that question for you in this post.

It’s Not the Recession It’s You

– From time to time I have a few rants and I thought I would share this one with you. Read it for yourself and let me know your thoughts. 

Do You Really Want To Be a Personal Trainer?

– In this post I pose a simple question but the answer isn’t all that easy. Sometimes people think they are cut out to be a personal trainer and the truth be told they are not. I lay out the questions you need to answer to really know if personal training is right for you. 

Create Your Own Luck

– I have never believed in luck and I talk about what you need to do to be successful in personal training and life. 

The Fastest Way To a Six Figure Income

If it is your goal to make a six figure income through personal training then this post is a must read.


These posts are intended to serve as a guide towards your success as a personal trainer. They are not going to answer all your questions but will help you on your quest.


Coach Dave

Are you in Control of your Destiny?

From time to time I get some really good emails from a bunch of different sources and when I do I want to share them with you. Read this email from Steve Straus. It is insightful when thinking about risk. 


.S T E V E ‘ S….3  –  M I N U T E….C O A C H I N G 
Steve Straus – Coach  Subscribers: 1500+  Readers: 3000+  16SEP09 

Today’s Topic – PRINCIPLE: Risk 
    (Principles are basic truths that, when applied, 
    cause success to come to you easier and quicker.) 

New research on the topic of risk has surfaced some 
intriguing insights, namely that we have risk and control 

If you feel in control of a situation, you will take on a 
greater amount of risk than if you feel you are not in 

For instance, consider a skydiver. He or she clearly 
assumes a level of risk by jumping out of an airplane. 
That risk to life-and-limb is much greater than they 
have as a passenger in a modern commercial airliner 
in regular service, but they may be terrified to fly! 

The difference? In the skydiving activity they are (or 
at least believe they are) in full control of their destiny. 
As a passenger in the airliner they have given up all 
control to a stranger in the cockpit. 

Another example — an entrepreneur may have a higher 
risk of financial security than a corporate employee, 
but having greater personal control of their destiny 
may trump the “safety” of the corporate job. 

When you notice potential risk also notice possible 
control. Having a greater sense of control may let 
you take on much greater risk. 

Coaching Point: Do you control your destiny? Does it 
feel risky? 

Copyright 2009 Steve Straus. All rights reserved. 
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Happy New Year!


Happy New Year! No, I am not crazy. Let me explain. Ever since I started in the fitness industry some 14 years ago I always thought Sept 1st seemed a little different. What I mean is typically Labor Day weekend falls right about now and once the holiday is over you get a ton of people into the gym. I am not exactly sure why but I can bet you that most people took the summer off and now after several months of laying around they are ready to get moving. With all this new motivation it tends to be just like the New Year in terms of people setting goals and getting back into shape. The question I have for you is what have you done to prepare for this new wave of prospects back into the gym? Have you looked at your goals you set at the beginning of the year? ( You did set and write down your goals, right?) If you have not reached the financial goals you set back in January you have 4 months to reach them and don’t forget you have several holidays that will get in your way. The main point I want you to take away from this post today is that you can bet on the fact people are motivated to start personal training again and you need to also look at the goals you set for yourself back on one of those cold January days.

I love Back to School



 Today was the first day of school for us here in Texas! I always loved the first day of school. For me I always felt like I had another shot at doing better and making better grades. Unfortunately, I seemed to always care more about sports and friends. Well, I guess I do not feel that bad for me because I had some great times and would not change it for the world. I do however, wished I would have spent more time learning back then. The funny thing is I did not start really studying until after college. Okay, I am sure you are wondering what am I getting at so I will get to my quick point today.

Today is the first day of school and for the most part kids are starting over and have the opportunity to make things right for the year but for you and me we do not have to wait until the next school year to make things right. Each day we can approach our career and day as a brand new start. If there is something you want to get better at then set a goal to become better. if you want to change a bad habit that start practicing the discipline you need to break it. Don’t wait until next year to get better and start fresh. Start today and live the life you have always wanted to live.