20 minute payday price increase

I wanted to get this out to you and get you to act right now. I have gone through half the training and I have learned a ton of information that I will be applying to my new products that I am launching soon. Unfortanutely, had I bought this sooner I might already be to market with my new information products for fitness professionals. Please take a look at this. It is the best $37 you could spend. Who knows it could be the product that sets you free and allows you  to create financial freedom. Here is the email with the link.

I just received word that the price of 20 Minute Payday
is going to go up…

If you have waited to see if decide you
should invest in 20 Minute Payday, well it’s

==>> http://texasdmcg.20minpay.hop.clickbank.net

They haven’t said what the price will jump to,
only that it will be going up after this initial
promotion ends.

You might be thinking that this is just a
“Marketing PLOY”, but I did some checking
and found out that Russell usually does this.

I guess a few months ago he launched a product called”Instant Social Anarchy”.
Without WARNING he jacked up the price by $100!

Don’t pay more than you have to.

Get access today, and start making money NOW.

David McGarry

Don’t say you weren’t warned…

==>> http://texasdmcg.20minpay.hop.clickbank.net

*The sender of this email receives
compensation for products purchased
herein. This is an ad.

Why I chose Nutrilite

Several people have asked me why I chose to endorse and sell Nutrilite products on my site. Well, the simple answer is because I fell in love with one of their protein bars. To be exact it is the Chocolate Nut Roll bar that I love. Now, I know some of you are saying that it must have a ton of sugar in it for it to be good. Well, I am not going to lie to you it does have sugar in it but according to the product comparison chart the nut roll has less sugar  than the Power Bar. Remember, if you are working out then the sugar should off set itself, so my disclaimer is that you should not just eat any protein bar and not have the exercise to back it up.

Okay, another reason why I am endorsing Nutrilite is their history and reputation. The company has been around since 1934. After 75 years of business I felt comfortable offering the products on my site knowing that Nutrilite was not just some start up company that could go out of business.

My final reason for endorsing and offering the Nutrilite products on my site comes down to the science and research that is put into their products. Nutrilite from the beginning strived to study how to extract the proper nutrients from plants in order to get the best nutrients into their products. As the company grew they developed the Nutrilite Health Institute , so that they can continue to provide the best products possible to the public.

Please do me a favor and do your own research but if you are looking for some great dietary supplements then check out my site www.davemcgarry.com and click on the nutrition link. If you want to go directly to the site to order products click on this link.

If you have any questions about any of the products please send me an email or leave me a comment.

I hate to lose…but…

On Saturday it all came to an end. The Florida Gators lost the SEC Championship game to the Crimson Tide. The Gators 22 consecutive game winning streak, which was the longest in the country, came to an end as well. Now, I am going to be the first to tell you that I hate to lose. I am a very bad loser and typically take it really hard, however, this time was different. I am not sure why, maybe it is my age, maybe it is that after losing a father and brother you realize there is more to life, or maybe it is the fact that at some point you realize everyone is going to lose and losing can provide valuable insight. let me tell you if you are not failing then you are not pushing hard enough. You are probably sitting in a comfort zone. I remember when I  first started my career in the fitness industry and everything came pretty easy. My boss, who owned the gym, handed me clients without me having to drum up my own business. However, it wasn’t until I moved to Dallas and started all over again that I learned about failing. I would meet with new members as part of their incentive to join the club and time an time again all of those new members were thankful for the program I had designed for them, but they wanted to work on their own. I couldn’t close a sale to save my life. I tell you that first summer I spent in Dallas was eye opening and depressing. I was failing and was miserable, but I learned from it. I realized I needed to learn more about sales and business. It was that summer that I started reading and learning about sales, success, and business. Each time I would lose out on a client I would evaluate what I did during my encounter with the prospect. I analyzed what I thought went wrong and made sure not to do it again. You see, losing can bring out the best in you if you are willing to learn from the loss. Take notes and write down in a journal what mistakes you are making and learn from them. The really cool thing about writing it down is years later when you are looking through your journals you see how successful you have become because of the mistakes that you made.

Now, don’t think I am saying to go out and lose because you play to win, but when you lose, and trust me you will lose at some point, learn from the loss. As John Maxwell says, “Fail Forward.” Learn from your loss and move forward. Keep pushing the envelope and make it your goal next year to aim high and guarantee yourself some losing lessons.

Who are you learning from?

The question I have for you today is who are you learning from? If I was to take a survey probably about 90% of fitness professionals would tell me that they study or learn from the “gurus” in the industry. Now, I will be the first to tell you that you should learn from people in the industry but if you want real growth and real insight you need to study people and businesses in other industries as well. Starbucks, Microsoft, Dell, Mcdonalds have all been in the business of selling their products and services to consumers. These companies have proven strategies and systems that have made them successful. Study them and learn all you can that can apply to the fitness industry. Now, learning and study what a big company has done is only part of the equation that I am talking about today. The second and probably most beneficial way of learning is study people who know how to sell. There are tons of articles and info on sales but I ran across a website that takes the best articles on sales and puts them all on one website.The name of the site is top10salesarticles.com and they find the best articles across the web and post it all on one site to help keep you from having to search for quality articles. What I find unique about this site is the way they come up with their top ten articles for the month. 50% is from the readers voting and 50% from an expert panel. So far I found some really good articles from people in all different industries. Some better than others but overall some good info. Listen my motto is I try to learn something new everyday and learn at least one thing from an article that I can apply to my profession. You may want to set a different goal but start learning from others and apply it to the fitness industry. Now go check out this site www.top10salesarticles.com and learn something from someone else!

Do Style Points Matter?

As most of you know by now I am a huge Gator football fan, and last week the Gators just barely beat the Arkansas Razorbacks. Now, when I say barely, I mean the game could have gone either way, but fortunately for the Gators they pulled off the victory. With the victory being so ugly everyone is talking about how Florida is not really good and they are just barely winning their games. Of course, this drives me crazy because regardless if they won in style they still won the game. I am sorry, but a W in the win column is still a W!

Alright, you may be asking what does this have to do with me being a personal trainer or fitness professional. Everything! I know too many personal trainers that try to get flashy and fancy with prospects and clients. Because of this behavior I see all too often personal trainers either lose the sale or lose the client. Remember, when it comes to closing a sale or keeping a personal training client for a long time you have to understand that the way to win is by being consistent and determined to do your best. If you stick to the fundamentals of solid training and showing the client that you have their best interest in mind then you will win 9 out of 10 times. So, the next time someone says, “well you did not win with style.” You tell them I still won!