Want 1,000 paying members? Watch it happen…

Hey Everyone!

Yesterday I brought you a post about creating a fixed term membership site and I wanted to follow it up with another post to get you to seriously consider creating your own memebership site.

Let me ask you this, “What would it mean to your business if you had 1,000 customers sending you MONTHLY payments for your own membership site?”

When I hear those kinds of numbers being thrown around on salesletters, I’m always skeptical.  I can’t help it, it just sounds “too good to be true”.

Well, someone has made a believer out of me.  He’s not only broken the 1,000 paying member barrier once … but he’s done it TWICE! (Update:  He’s now done it THREE times!)

And, get this: all three times it took less than two weeks without any “product launch” or “guru partners” lined up to pull this off.

What’s more, he’s prepared a video that teaches exactly how he did it … and I’ve got you a FREE pass to watch it with absolutely no strings attached.

** Don’t have a membership site?  Don’t worry!  He’s also gonna show you how to have your own original membership site up and running within 48 hours!

Block off some time today or tomorrow to watch “Rapid Fire Residual” from Jimmy D. Brown.

You can get all the details at IM Institute

During this video presentation you’ll discover…

— How to get 1,000 cash-in-hand, paying subscribers for your membership site even if you don’t have “guru” friends to help you with a “product launch”.

— How to setup your own membership site in just 2 days if you don’t already have one of your own.  (His wife, who has absolutely ZERO experience setup one by following this simple plan … he’ll show you how.)

Again, you can grab all of the details and begin watching the video immediately at:

IM Institute

Best regards,

Coach Dave

P.S.  Jimmy has also prepared a downloadable PDF guide for you.  It’s a “fill-in-the-blanks” guide to help you make the most of the video.  Get it at the site.

It is Time for Financial Education

Happy Friday everyone! It is just awesome here today in Dallas. We have had highs in 70’s all week. Who would have thought that, considering some 18 days ago we encountered the worst ice storm in 75 years and temps did not make it above 20 degrees. I guess they are right when they say, ‘If you live in Dallas, if you don’t like the weather, just wait a little bit because it will change.” Well, I am not here talk about the groundhog’s predication of an earlier Spring being correct, but what I am here to talk to you today is something that I am very passionate about, which is financial education.

For years, I have been studying and learning about money. I am not sure why that is the case, but I have always had a passion for business and money. So, as I read in one of Ken Blanchard’s books, “If you want to truly understand what you have read and learned you must go teach it to someone”, and that is what I intend on doing going forward. I know this is not for everyone or at least some people will think that, but you see, it does not mater what profession you are in or your financial status in life, if you do not have a strong financial education, you are going to be in trouble moving ahead in today’s economy. Shoot, I know some highly paid professionals, who yes, make a lot of money, but are uneducated when it comes to financial education. When the recession hit, they took a big hit in their savings. With just a little financial education that could have been prevented. So, the time is now to learn financial education if you want to succeed. Don’t let lack of knowledge keep you from being successful.

So, what am I referring to when I talk about financial education? It is the knowledge about how money works and how to leverage it to work for you. Some people have told me that they took economics and accounting in school, which is great but that is not going to help you be financially secure in this new economy. You need to understand how money works and how to make your money work for you. I hear all the time that the rich are getting richer and the middle class is getting squeezed out. You know what, they are right, the middle class is getting squeezed out and the rich are getting richer. Why? Well, they know how the rules of the game are played and they know how to use it in their favor.

Well, why should you care? Because I want to see you live the dream. I want to see you have everything that you want out of life. Money can’t buy happiness but it can help give you opportunities and freedom to do the things you want to do in life. I know there will be some people who will disagree with what I am going to be saying in these posts and that is fine but what I hope to do is give you just enough knowledge and education to stay competitive in this new world.

Here is what you can expect in some future posts:
What is your financial IQ?
History of money and how the decisions your leaders make affect your financial success.
Assets vs. Liabilities – why most people are wrong to think their house is an assesst
Should you stop contributing to your 401K?
Should you live below your means?

These are just some of the ideas I plan on sharing with you. If you have anything that you would like to talk about in regards to financial eduction please feel free to leave a comment. Also, I would love to hear your feedback good or bad on anything we talk about here.

Well, I have my daughter’s first soccer game this weekend. I don’t know who is more excited her or me :)!!

Make it a great weekend!
In health,
Coach Dave

A Minute with John Maxwell

I have been following John Maxwell for over a decade now and when it comes to leadership you will not find a better person to learn from than him. Recently, he has started what he is calling, ” A Minute with Maxwelll.” Each day John presents the word of the day and gives you a great insight into what that word means in just a minutes time. I have embedded today’s word for you here on my blog. The word is courage. Go listen and think about what he has to say and how you can implement his teachings into your life.

Make it a great day!
Coach Dave

Blizzard of 2011 will not stop the Super Bowl

I am sitting in a hotel room in FT. Worth snowed in. We are going through the blizzard of 2011 and trying to celebrate Super Bowl XLV. Dallas is not set up for this crazy weather, however, as bad as it has been due to closings and cancellations of Super Bowl events one common theme has emerged down here. That theme is sometimes you just have to deal with the circumstances and make the best of it. So, let me ask you what issues are you dealing with that are out of your control? Recognize what those circumstances are and move forward. Quit letting things you can not control keep you from becoming better. Well, that is it for this edition of “Open Blog Friday” because the snow has ended and the sun is out. We are off to meet some of the ESPN guys. I will hopefully have some pics to share of my fabulous weekend, sleet or snow the game will go on!

Coach Dave

A XXX Fitness Workout That Will Make Your Knees Weak

Sorry to disappoint but it is not the XXX you are thinking and no, I am not talking about pole dancing classes either! What I am talking about is over the weekend I had the privilege to attend a workshop and be trained as an instructor on the Trixter X bike.

Now, those of you that know me know how much I love to teach indoor cycle. Well, let me tell you, the X bike and the workouts that come along with the training are awesome. It has been a long time since I had such a great workout cycling indoors and I absolutely LOVED working out on the X bike. My quads were on fire and I was dripping with sweat after 30 minutes. If you are a little crazy like me you just love it when you get off totally spent.

Okay, so what I find so unique and different about the X bike is the fact the workout is much more engaging. The X bike is different from other bikes on the market in several ways. First, the X bike does not have a fixed fly wheel. It is set up like a normal bike and the gear shifter adds resistance. Let’s just say you can’t cheat on this bike and after 30 minutes your quads are on fire. Another great aspect that differentiates this bike from others is the fact the handle bars moved from left to right and allow you to engage your core and upper body. The finally aspect is the programming is really unique.

Now, not only is the workout more engaging but the programming is unique. There are three levels starting with the 30 minute X program and working up to the hour long XXX advanced program. I can tell you after experiencing all three programs that each one is unique, different and challenging, which gives beginners to advanced cyclists a great workout.

The final thing that I loved so much about the Trixter X bike is the VRX biking program. If you are a club owner or fitness program director you have got to check this out. The VRX biking is like a virtual ride outdoors. Not only is it a unique and something that differentiates your club and group exercise programming, but it serves another purpose as well. Instead of seeing your cycle room sit empty and only used when you have a class the VRX biking allows you to have the virtual trainer taking members through a routine whenever you want to have the video running. This helps maximum revenue and expense per square foot. Also, as you well know, more and more of the virtual fitness training is where the industry is moving and the VRX biking is a great way to integrate that into your club.

So in conclusion, all I can say is you have to at least try the X bike and see for yourself what I am talking about. If you are an owner or fitness manager and want to learn more about the Trixter bikes feel free to contact me or an independent dealer for more info.

To your success,

Coach Dave

The programming