Daily Dose of Dave – 400

Daily Dose of Dave is brought to you by Dave Mcgarry who is an entrepreneur and passive income coach. Everyday Dave brings you a quick tip or something motivational to get you to take action to help you reach your goals and dreams of being a successful entrepreneur. Today I want to talk the number 400. What the heck does the number 400 have to do with anything? Well find out around the :50 mark of the video. Until then make it a great day! Also, if you want to follow me you can at http://www.twitter.com/davemcgarry, http://www.facebook.com/internetmarketingadvisor

Dave McGarry

Are you running your race

Happy Friday!I thought I would share an email I sent to my Working Mom Workouts list last year! It still applies today one year later as my daughter out of nowhere the other day asked to watch the movie again. You will see what I am talking about. Enjoy the last day of Summer!

I just love the Fall! I know I have said that before
but there is just something about opening the door and feeling that
cool crisp air hit you in the face!

Shoot, this past Summer for us it was like 85 degrees at 6 am, so
when I walk outside and it is 60 degrees I am a little giddy! And
since I am feeling a little kiddy today I wanted to write about
something I have been thinking about for a few months now!

A few months back my mother had recommended that we rent the movie
“Secretariat” and watch it with kids. Well, I was a little
reluctant only because my youngest daughter had yet to turn three
and we were not sure if she could sit through the entire movie.

Boy, were we wrong! Sit through the movie, shoot, as I am writing
this to you today my daughter wakes up every morning asking me to
put on “Secretariat.”

Yes, since the night we watched the movie my daughter has fallen in
love with horses and we not only rented “Secretariat” again but
finally purchased it for her birthday that just passed.

Let me tell you after watching it for the like umpteenth time I
feel like I can be an expert film critic. Now, if you have never
seen the movie I recommend you rent it and watch it because it
really is good and has some very good lessons in it, as is the case
with most Disney films!

And that is what I want to talk to you today about, a lesson that I
believe we all need to be reminded about. I know your time is
valuable, so I won’t go into the entire film but Secretariat won the
“Triple Crown.”

The “Triple Crown” has only been one by a few horses in history and
is almost considered to be an impossible feat to accomplish. And
during the time period of the movie the last “Triple Crown” winner
was some 25 years earlier, so the odds of Secretariat winning it
was very slim.

Now, here is where the lesson comes in. You see, what had happened
was the father and owner of the ranch had passed away, leaving the family at odds on what to do with the ranch and the taxes owed on it. Going against her family, the
daughter, Penney Tweedy, took over the ranch and put everything on the line. She didn’t care about the money or losing everything instead she believed in carrying out her dad’s legacy and was willing to sacrifice everything just to see the horse “run it’s race!”

The daughter turned down 8 million dollars because she believed
that much in what she was doing!

So, what does this have to do with you? Well, while we were
watching the movie I had said to my daughter, “Ady, run your race”
and she said back to me, “No Daddy, you run your race!”

And that is where it hit me. Each and everyone of us has our own
race to run. At times things be can extremely difficult and the
easiest option might be to sell out and quit.

However, all you need is a little belief. Believe that no matter
what happens you gave it your best and you didn’t quit!

The odds may be against you but the one thing that no one can take
away from you is your belief. I believe in you but you need to start
believing in you!

Now, go out and “Run Your Race!”

To your success,
Coach Dave

God Bless The U.S.A.









First of all, I wanted to wish everyone a Happy 4th of July!
This holiday is one of my favorite holidays that we celebrate here in America. Had it not been for the brave men and women that fought for our independence and signed the Declaration of Indpendence  236 years ago I would not be sitting here writing this blog post.So as we celebrate our independence I just want to say how thankful I am for living in a “Free” country and although times may be tough this country is still the best land in the world to live in! God Bless the USA!

God Bless the USA and You!

9.5 Reasons I am Grateful for

When I first started out on my journey to become an entrepreneuer things were great but there were times when I was unsure and did not know whether or not I should continue down the path of the unknown. One day though I was reading a blog post by Craig Ballaytane, one of the first people who inspired me to create Working Mom Workouts, and in the post he talked about how he would write a thank you journal ever day, so when he started feeling sorry for himself he would look back to this journal and it would change his mindset. That inspired me to start writing down things I was grateful for and today I want to share a few that I believe have been instrumental for my success.

1.)  I am grateful for the unique talents and skills my creator gave me. Each and every one us have our own unique skills and talents that were given to us. Once I began to understand and hone in on my unique skills and talents I started to realize what I was called to do.What are your talents and have you begun to fully use them?

2.) I am grateful for the fact I saw the sun rise this morning and that I am able to get out of bed and conquer the day ahead of me. Every day we are presented with the choice of being great and making a difference in this world or just being part of this world.Are you going to make a difference today?

3.)  My wonderful family and friends. Any entrepreneur will tell you that their ultimate success lies within the support of their family and friends. Sure people can and have succeeded on their own but you need a support system and I can’t thank my family and friends enough for being behind me and having faith in me!

4.)  Mistakes that I make today. It may sound crazy but I am thankful for the mistakes that I know I am going to make each and everyday. I have the best intentions to be more productive, contact more leads, write better blog posts, but no matter how hard I try I am going to make mistakes and I am okay with that because it allows me to get better and grow as an entrepreneur.

5.)  I am also grateful for my flaws. Having areas of weakness helps me to get better and develop my skills, plus it allows me to seek out others that can help me balance my weaknesses.

6.)  My will to become more. Since I was a kid I always wanted to be great and although I believe I may be above average in certain areas I still have a will to become and do more with my life!

7.)  As crazy as this may sound I am grateful for the people who have stabbed me in the back. Whenever I have had situations like this occur I learn who my real friends are and whom I can trust no matter what.

8.)  I am grateful for the problems I encounter daily. Having problems and being able to work through them makes you stronger and develops your skills.

9.)  I am grateful for the people reading this post and following me. Without having people to help educate and teach them what I have learned would leave a void in my life!

9.5) I am grateful for the ability for me to click send.

P.S. I would love to hear what you are grateful for and if you liked this post pleas “Like” it, Google + it and share with your friends!

To your success,

Dave McGarry

How Being Fired Saved My Life

Yes, as the title says being fired from my job saved my life and this post is going to explain to you exactly why I believe that. You see it has been almost 2 years since that day that I heard the new GM say to me, “We are going to let you go “ I was shocked, pissed, scared and probably every other emotion that we have when it happened. I mean how could this happen to me and what was my life going to be like now that the job and career I had worked hard for was now gone. Little did I know that I was on a new journey that I believe has saved my life and has given me a clear picture as to what my purpose in life is all about. My goal for telling you this story some two years later is if there is someone out there who might be struggling after losing there job don’t lose hope because just maybe you too will be saved and found your true calling.

Now I am not going to go into all the details as to how and why I was fired but I do want to start with maybe a little foreshadowing event that happened when I first graduated from college. I have to admit I was not a big reader in college but soon after I graduated people who had created big companies and appeared to be successful fascinated me. So, one day I was at Barnes and Noble and picked up a book about the guys who started Home Depot. In it I found out that one of the founders of Home Depot was fired from his job. He said it was the best thing that had happened to him; little did I know that would be the case for me too.

So here is why I feel that way:

Probably the single most reason I have come to believe that being fired has saved my life I feel is because I have not spent enough time developing my spirituality. You see, for years I worked on building my career, my health, my wealth and my family, but the one area of my life that was out of balance was my spirituality. Now I had been attending church but wasn’t really growing and maturing in my spirituality. What I came to realize is that I had been going at everything alone and was fighting what my true purpose here on earth is all about. Through reading Scripture and the “Purpose Driven Life” I have a renewed sense of trust in my faith and my savior, Jesus Christ. It is strange how the good Lord works but I now know that me being fired was his way of saying it is time to get closer to me and stop doing things on your own. Understanding and realizing this has brought a sense of calm and peace to my life. I now have a clear picture of what I am called to do and no matter have tough things get I know I am not alone.

Another reason I feel it has saved my life is because I am able to use this as a teaching moment. I know it sounds strange but being fired has given me the opportunity to show my kids that life is going to hit you and knock you down, but the important part is how you react to life’s struggles that matters. Hopefully by me showing them that dad did not quit and had faith throughout will help make them stronger.

My final breakthrough and realization that my life has been changed comes from being an entrepreneur. For starters being an entrepreneur has taken me out of my comfort zone. I no longer have the luxury of having a paycheck delivered to my bank account any more, but making a sale and knowing that a person has trusted in one of my products or services gives me such pride and more personal satisfaction than any paycheck has ever brought me. Also, by being my own boss (Oh, the real boss is my wife J) I have had opportunities to do the things I like and take the chances on projects and ideas I am interested in.

As I wrap up my story I am going to admit to you that finally coming to this understanding has not been easy and I hope you don’t have to go through tough times to find out your true purpose but if you do embrace the struggle and realize that the old cliché “Everything happens for a reason” is true. There is a plan for us and part of that plan is to learn from your struggles.

So, my goal moving forward is to use my blog and this platform to help and encourage others to live the life they always wanted. I will also begin to share more about my struggles and insights as I continue down this path of entrepreneurship. I hope you will join me on the journey.

To your success,

Dave McGarry

P.S. If you know someone who needs a little inspiration please share this with him or her. Also, I would love to get your feedback and learn your story by having you comment below.