I Quit

We are in the first week of March and by now almost 90% of people who made New Year’s resolutions have either quit or are about to on those resolutions they made back in early January. Why? Well, to be honest it is just extremely difficult to keep disciplined day in and day out. The daily pressures and just plain life stuff gets in our way and prevents us from staying focused. The other big reason for failure is due to the lack of mental toughness. Mental toughness is probably one of the most difficult skills to master, but if you master the ability to control your thoughts and to stay mentally tough you can succeed in almost anything.

I first became aware of what mental toughness was all about last summer when I was reading the book titled “Lone Survivor.” The book is about the story of Marcus Lutrell and his life as a Navy Seal. It was through reading this book and the story of what it takes to be a Navy Seal that gave me insight into what mental toughness is all about. You see, what I took away from  the book  is that physical ability is a big part of actually becoming a Navy Seal but more than anything they are looking to see who has real mental toughness and who is going to quit! As one instructor says, “If they quit here in training they are more likely to quit when things get tough out in battle.” And, this brings me back to why people fail at their goals.

All to often when things get busy or really challenging we quit and once that happens we rationalize to ourself that, well I guess there is always next month or next year to reach that goal. Now, I use the example of  the mental toughness it takes to be a Navy Seal and I know that 99.9% of us will never have that ability to stay as mentally  tough as a Navy Seal,  but there are some simple strategies that you can implement into your life to help you get tougher mentally.

1.) Quit listening to the news and all the negative stories that they report on. Listen, it is so easy to fall into the trap of listening and hearing all the negative news that is out there and with that comes the weakening of your thoughts.

2.) Read positive and motivational books and quotes daily!

3.) Quit hanging around with people who are negative and do not 100% support what you want to accomplish.

4.) Understand that you will not always have great days but when days are tough have written down on a piece of paper your big “Why”. What I am talking about is the why do you want to achieve a specific goal. For me my big “why” is I want to have financial freedom and live life on my terms. Define your big “why” and every time you are feeling down pull that  piece of paper out and read it over and over until you change your thoughts and get re-focused.

These four strategies are just the beginning to the start of your mental toughness. Practice these and you will be on your way to stopping the “I Quit” words out of your mouth and start reaching those goals!

The Law of 250

Every now and then I come across something I read that I feel like I need to share with you. This is one of those messages. This message is by Scott Geddye.

“Your creator births Uncommon Desires and Dreams within you for a reason.
You will experience great moments of inspiration, surges of enthusiasm, and victorious moments of launching worthwhile dreams.

It is because of this fact that others will be drawn to your motivation, and be inspired by your passion.

Thousands can be affected by you. The law of 250 in relationships proves this. It has been said that the average person influences 250 people. Those 250 influence another 250 that influence andother 250 each, and so on.

The waves of influence are limitless when you are motivated!

Somebody is Broken and NEEDS your motivation
Somebody is Confused and NEEDS your motivation
Somebody is Misdirected and NEEDS your motivation
Somebody is Struggling and NEEDS your motivation
Somebody will Fail unless you STAY motivated

So…yes it may be a challenge to stay motivated at times however. think of WHY you want to stay motivated. Quitting doesn’t bring you, health, peace, happiness, or success…so QUITTING is NOT an option.

Remember to be a portrait of possibilities and stay FOCUSED!”

Live Inspired
Live Out Life Big!


Scot Geddye

Do you have what it takes to win a gold medal?

We are a week into the 21st Winter Olympic Games and once again the games always give me inspiration and motivation to become better. I love the story lines and when you see the athletes accomplish what they set out to do you can’t help but to feel good and inspired to go out and do something. My question for you today is, “Do you have what it takes to win a gold medal?” I know you are saying to yourself, “I am not an Olympic athlete, so why do I care if I have what it takes to win gold. Well, I look at life and goals as a contest or game. I am sorry but I do not believe in the notion that everyone gets a trophy. You either accomplish your goal or you do not. Simple! So, if you buy into this philosophy  of what it take to win gold you will want to see what it takes. Here is what I believe it takes to win gold in life?

Dream – Every Olympic athlete has a dream of standing on the podium, wearing a gold medal, and hearing their national anthem play. They have this dream as a kid and play it over and over in the mind until it because reality. What are your dreams? If you do not have a dream you are missing the key ingredient to success.

Focus –  After listening to all the athletes and their stories the one thing that I continue to hear over and over again is that they have unbelievable focus. Their goal is to win gold and they do everything to reach that goal. They do not get distracted by all the noise out there. Focus on what you want to accomplish and filter out the noise.

Perseverance –  Another common attribute that Olympic athletes portray is that they consistently overcome setbacks and failures. Whether it is injury, failure, or just some bad luck the most common theme amongst them is constant  persistent and determination to push through the pain and failures to reach that dream.

So, do yourself a favor and over the next week of the games watch and study the athletes. Listen to their stories and then, ask yourself, “what are your dreams, what kind of focus do you have, and finally, make yourself persevere to achieve your goal.

Why I chose Nutrilite

Several people have asked me why I chose to endorse and sell Nutrilite products on my site. Well, the simple answer is because I fell in love with one of their protein bars. To be exact it is the Chocolate Nut Roll bar that I love. Now, I know some of you are saying that it must have a ton of sugar in it for it to be good. Well, I am not going to lie to you it does have sugar in it but according to the product comparison chart the nut roll has less sugar  than the Power Bar. Remember, if you are working out then the sugar should off set itself, so my disclaimer is that you should not just eat any protein bar and not have the exercise to back it up.

Okay, another reason why I am endorsing Nutrilite is their history and reputation. The company has been around since 1934. After 75 years of business I felt comfortable offering the products on my site knowing that Nutrilite was not just some start up company that could go out of business.

My final reason for endorsing and offering the Nutrilite products on my site comes down to the science and research that is put into their products. Nutrilite from the beginning strived to study how to extract the proper nutrients from plants in order to get the best nutrients into their products. As the company grew they developed the Nutrilite Health Institute , so that they can continue to provide the best products possible to the public.

Please do me a favor and do your own research but if you are looking for some great dietary supplements then check out my site www.davemcgarry.com and click on the nutrition link. If you want to go directly to the site to order products click on this link.

If you have any questions about any of the products please send me an email or leave me a comment.

Happy GroundHog Day!

Did Puxsutawney Phil see his shadow today? Will there be 6 more weeks of winter? Or maybe you are wondering if you are going to be like Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog Day and live the same day over and over again. I have to admit the first part of 2010 has felt like Bill Murray’s Groundhog Day to me. There are some things going on in my career that seems like okay same old day and same old story, but I have snapped out of it. I feel like I am getting back on track and focusing on the goals  have set to accomplish. You see, I was getting short sighted and not seeing the big picture of what I wanted my life to become. I had to realize that what is happening now is going to be a positive for me in the future. Nothing stays the same forever and change is good, so if you are struggling right now with what is happening in your life or what is not happening in your life, no need to worry,  things are happening for a reason and continue reading below to find out how to stop having Groundhog day over and over.

Ask your self the following questions and write down your answers.

  • If you are struggling first of all you need to ask yourself do you have any long term goals set for yourself?
  • Do you have a vision of what you want your life to be like 5, 10, and 20 years from now?
  • Once you have those down do you have a plan?
  • Is the plan detailed enough to help you step by step to reach those goals?

By all means the answer to these questions will not be the end all be all, but you will have a better idea of where you stand and what you need to do to get out of that rut! And  to think if Bill Murray had only done this maybe he would not have had all those miserable Groundhog days!!