Today I am doing something new a different. I created my first video blog. Enjoy!
Category Archives: Personal
Are you like a Lawn Mower?
I just fininshed mowing my lawn and I said this a couple of weeks ago on my Facebook page but for me mowing the lawn is so therapeutic. Her is a picture of my lawn mower and yard. As you can see I have quite a bit to mow, so it allows me to focus and think about what it is I want to accomplish in my lifetime.
Now, my dad would laugh at me because when he was alive he owned his own commericial landscape business and they would consider my yard puny. They would do my lawn just for the fun of it!
Anyway, as I was mowing my yard I was thinking about an article I read last week in Dan Kennedy’s marketing newsletter. In the article he made reference to Walt Disney. He said, “Walt Disney had described most people as lawn mowers.” Interesting! He goes on to say that Disney said, ” People start each week at one end of the same patch of grass and plod along, back and forth, back and forth, head down, until week’s end at the other side of the lawn, then next week is the same all over again. Wow, I started to think, man that is exactly what I had been doing for some time now.
You see, the week is going to end anyway, why not do something everyday that is different, creative, and interesting. Why not do something that is beneficial to to others as well as yourself. Make your days matter?
Ask yourself this, and I do this constantly, “If you had six months to live what would you want to do with the rest of your days here?”
Seriously, would you stay in a job that gives you no fulfillment or rewards?
Would you spend more time with family?
Would you call a friend you have spoken to in awhile?
Whatever it is, start mowing differently and choose to get everything out of life!
Now, summer is almost over and my days of mowing are coming to end. Anyone have any ideas as to how I am going to get my therapy?
Coach Dave
New Poll to answer
Check out my new poll on my Linked In profile.
If you want to create passive income you need this…
Hi all,
A few days ago Jimmy D. Brown posted a simple offer at his site advertising
$997 in PLR content for only $20. No details, no list of what’s included, no
explanation. Just the offer.
And he’s sold hundreds of copies just on his reputation alone!
That’s impressive, to say the least.
But some people wanted to know “what’s included” because they’ve purchased
a lot of his PLR in the past and they didn’t want to order what they already
have bought.
So, Jimmy has agreed to tell us what goodies are included! 🙂
Here’s the official list of what you get with PLR for a mere twenty bucks…
* 50 Ways To Raise Cash Quickly (27 page report)
* 101 Affiliate Marketing Tips (43 page report)
* 10 Ways To Make $10K Per Month (23 page report)
* How to Create A Webinar To Promote Your Offer (23 page report)
* Turning Browsers Into Buyers – Writing Salesletters (141 page report)
* Article Pack #1: 3 “Create Infoproducts” Articles
* Article Pack #2: 5 “Blogging” Articles
* Article Pack #3: 20 “Disney” Articles
* Article Pack #4: 10 “Membership Site” Articles
* Article Pack #5: 20 “NYC” Articles
* Squeeze, Sales and Content template with graphics
* Full copy of Multiple Streams Blog Theme (Personal Use Only)
(The theme has been sold out, but originally sold for $27 by itself!
And is included at NO CHARGE for you in this package!)
It would cost you more than $997 to hire a ghostwriter to create these
materials for you. Yet your cost is a one-time $20!
Grab your copy right now:
Click this link if you are interested in creating passive income online.
Best regards,
Dave McGarry
* This is an affiliate offer and I do get a commission in fair disclosure.
Can you do me a favor?
I am putting together an informational product that is focused on losing weight. I am wondering if you could do me a favor and in the box below please write down your #1 question in regards to losing weight. In return I will give you a free copy if you put your name and email in the box provided. I appreciate your help.