Dave’s Top Ten Learned Lessons for 2010

Hey everyone! It has been almost two weeks since I have actually posted something on the site and it was done intentionally. I wanted to take the remainder of the year to reflect and plan for the exciting year ahead. 2010 has been a year of growth for me, I have learned many new life lessons this past year and today I want to share them with you. So, without further ado, “Dave’s Top Ten Learned Lessons for 2010!”

In no particular order:

1.) Change will occur – Whether you want to change or not, it is inevitable that change will happen. It might be a slow gradual change or it might be fast and sudden. Embrace it and realize that nothing lasts forever. Sometimes change can be for the best. For me, being thrown into starting my own business was the best thing that ever happened to me.

2.) Save for a rainy day – My wife’s parents and my parents always told us both to make sure you save for a rainy day. They preached how you never know when some unforeseen circumstance might occur that you may need to tap into some savings to keep things running smooth. Well, thank you so much much mom and dad for instilling that trait into me. Having that safety blanket has given us the ability to not worry about finances if something unforeseen happens.

3.) Have your fiscal house in order – This is different than saving for a rainy day in the sense that if you are leveraged to the hill with expensive cars, houses, fun toys, etc… the saving that you put away will be blown through in no time at all. If you have debt know the difference between good and bad debt. Having a credit card with 29% interest is not good. Having depreciating assets that do not generate you cash flow are not good. Increase your financial IQ and learn how to make your money work for you.

4.) Have a back up plan – As I mentioned earlier change will occur and one day you might wake up and find yourself asking “What next?” Make sure you have a back up plan in place. Always, keep networking and making sure that you are building your “well” before you need it!

5.) Faith – This past year I have grown tremendously in my spirituality and faith in God. Having that belief allowed me to get through some of the tough times I encountered this past year. All I can say is “Believe!”

6.) Family and Friends are everything – I have some of the greatest family and friends in the world. When times were tough for me my friends were there to give me support and reassurance. My wife, whom is my best friend, has been such a huge supporter and as I say, “A Rock” for me as I venture into my own business. I am very thankful also for my mother who has always instilled in me that “I am a winner and winners never quit!” I want to thank all my friends and family for your support! Also, one more thing and that is something I learned a few years back from listening to Jim Rohn speak and that is do not be lazy when it comes to managing your relationships with friends and family because they are your life support when times get tough!

7.) Cherish the moments – I was listening to the radio and a new George Strait song came on the radio that talked about life is not the breathe you take but the moments that take away your breathe. Wow, that hit home with me and made me realize all the amazing moments in my life I have experienced and the future moments that I know are ahead of me!

8.) Life is a journey – I read somewhere when you are in a rut you need to start a gratitude journal. The goal is to write down all the great things you have accomplished in your life and then everyday start writing down all the things you are grateful for that day. Doing this exercise made me realize that there will be times when things seem tough and not going your way but when you look at the big picture you experience and do some amazing things! As the great Jim Rohn says, ” You are either in a crisis, coming out of a crisis, or in a period of great things happening!” Life is a cycle and enjoy the journey!

9.) Money isn’t everything – I know this is a shocking statement coming from me but the biggest lesson I have learned this past year is that the focus of life should not solely be on making money. Don’t get me wrong money can create many opportunities and make life easy, however, it should not be how you judge success. If you hate what you are doing then all the money in the world isn’t going to change that. Focus in on doing what you love and judge your success on the contribution you make to society.

10.) Never quit – It is so easy to quit when things get tough. Far too often we give in too soon. We are an instant gratification society and when we don’t things quickly we give in. If you ask any successful person who created something big they will tell you that they had to overcome leaps and bounds to succeed and as I venture into my new business venture I have made it my modus operandi to “Never Quit!”

I hope that you are able to relate to some of my lessons and maybe even take one thing away from them to implement into your life and career this upcoming year! I truly believe that this is going to be a great year! I look forward to sharing with you more of the exciting things I have in store for 2011.

What has been holding you back?

Hello everyone!

Welcome to another edition of “Open Blog Friday.”

Today I want to briefly talk to you about barriers. This post probably is more for me than anyone else but I know there are many of you who struggle with some of the same things I do. I guess what I am trying to get at today is, what are the thoughts that you have in your mind that are holding you back? Do you believe that anything is possible with hard work and determination or do you believe that you could never achieve that because of reasons such as, I do not have enough money, enough time, enough resources, etc… I know first hand how these thoughts can creep into your head and how destructive they can be, but if you want to be successful you need to develop mental toughness. Many of us work on being physical tough but we do not focus on challenging our brains to be mentally tough.

Here are some ways to train your brain to be mentally tough:

Set a goal to do something that is totally opposite of what you are currently doing. An example might be to learn how to set up a fully functional blog. For those of us in the fitness area we typically focusing in on learning about Anatomy and Physiology, so getting into the tech world will challenge your brain to learn something new.

Volunteer to speak. People rate public speaking as the second most fear to dying. Get up and speak in front of crowd and you will see that you develop courage and mental toughness.

Become a “What’s Next Kinda Thinker.” When something goes wrong try thinking about what can you do now or think okay what is next for me. Always, be looking forward and leave the past behind.

Finally, get around the right people. If you constantly are surrounded by people who do not believe anything is possible and are always negative than you will not grow and will more than likely get sucked into their negative state of mind. Get around people that cause you to think and grow.

If you are having troubles moving forward take some time and think about what is it that is causing you to not move ahead. Embrace it and then you some of the above strategies to become mentally tough!

In health,

Coach Dave

My First Radio Appearance

Well, I just got off the phone with the host from Fit4Life Radio! I almost messed up and missed the show completely, however, I figured it out and made it on! If you missed it I have posted it here on the blog for you to listen. Enjoy!

Listen to internet radio with Fit4Life Radio on Blog Talk Radio

In health,

Coach Dave

Being Thankful Long After the Leftovers Are Gone

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoyed time with their family and friends. I had the opportunity to catch up on some reading and came across an article that was written in the WSJ that talked about being thankful long after the turkey leftovers are gone. Well, that got me thinking about what I can do to help you give back to your clients. So, with today being Cyber Monday I want to introduce you to an online gift giving program I am a distributor for.

Welcome to Ribbon! Ribbon will make your giving back and saying thanks to your clients easy. It is also, great for finding a gift for those that are difficult to buy for.

All you have to do is:

Choose one of the amazing Ribbon Gift Collections, by going to www.ordermygift.com and seeing all that is to offer. You can base it on price, occasion, interest, etc.
Make your purchase through me by e-mailing (dave@davemcgarry.com) me your order.
Then give the Gift Collection to your recipient to redeem for their perfect gift.

And, it’s a breeze for your recipient to redeem.

They just:

1. Enter their Gift Card redemption number at OrderMyGift.com.

2. Select their perfect gift online.

3. Nothing more! In less than two weeks, their gift arrives free

of charge – right on their doorstep

Price list is attached since www.ordermygift.com doesn’t show prices. Which is great since your recipient will not see how much you spent. The Variety Card is great for teachers, co-workers, or for those you just don’t know what to get. It has a variety of different gifts to choose from such as an I-Pod dock, workout equipment, etc. It’s only $30 and you can buy five for the price of four.

Give the Gift of Ribbon and your appreciate and thanks will be shown to your clients. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you!

Dave McGarry

Have Fun this Thanksgiving

I know many of you are traveling already this week to spend time with family and friends, so I thought this week’s guest post would involve something a little different and lighter in terms of content. Let me introduce you to Sean Stephenson. I was sent this video from Ryan Lee and it really made my day. I hope you enjoy and be sure to bookmark it and play it when you need a little pick me up.

Coach Dave