Internet Marketing as an Investment

nternet Marketing as an Investment





Hello everyone!

Today, I wanted to talk to you today about something I find to be a “new” approach to investing and in my opinion is better than the traditional avenues to invest in.

When a certain “social network” went public with its stock, there was a lot of unrest among investors. What was by many people’s estimations, a “sure shot”, quickly got people scrambling in worry that maybe it was anything but.

The company’s stock dropped very noticeably during the first weeks after its IPO.

Most investors don’t like it when that happens. 🙂

What investors like is to make money from their investments. Pure and simple. Most are pleased if they get a 10% return on their money over time.

But, I now some people who would be EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED with that kind of return.

That’s because they’ve discovered a different way to invest. And:

• It has nothing to do with stocks.

• It has nothing to do with bonds.

• It has nothing to do with mutual funds.

• It has nothing to do with real estate.

• It has nothing to do with CDs or money market accounts.

Instead, it’s all about investing in internet marketing (IM), or what some call IMvesting.

The idea is simple: spend money on internet marketing related assets that give much better returns (100%, 200% or even more).

This has been my approach for the last several years and instead of losing big during the “Great Recession” my returns have been in the green!

Get all the details at:

Best regards,
Dave McGarry

How to Start a Successful Internet Business in 7 Steps

It is rare to find someone that you can trust these days when it comes to the latest Internet Marketing product out there but without a doubt Jimmy D Brown is the person who I have invested in time and time again to help me with my online ventures and today’s post is an article he has written that I believe can get you started building an online business today. I hope you enjoy this article on “How to Start a Successful Internet Business in 7 Steps!”


It’s exciting to think about how much money you can make online.

But if you’re new to online marketing, it can also be overwhelming
to try to figure out which business model is right for you.

The solution? Keep it simple.

Just follow these seven surefire steps to online profits…

Step 1: Choose a Market

But don’t just choose any market – instead, choose a HUNGRY market.
That means you’re looking for a market that is actively seeking
paid solutions to their problems.

Here’s how:

o Search marketplaces like and to see what
types of niches attract eager, proven buyers.

o Use a keyword tool like or the free Google
Keyword Tool to find out what people are searching for. You can
enter your proposed niche keywords (like “dog training”) to see if
there is a demand, or enter a broad keyword (like “secrets” or “how
to”) to uncover new niches.

o Go to and browse the top articles to see which
niches are popular.

Step 2: Get Your Tools In Place

Once you find a niche that spends money, your next step is to
gather your tools. These include:

o A domain name, which you can get at
o Hosting, which you can secure at
o An autoresponder, which you can purchase through

Step 3: Select an Offer to Promote

Next, you need to find an affiliate offer that you can promote to
your hungry niche. The best way to do that is to find out what
they’re already buying… and choose a similar offer.

Simply go to and browse the relevant niche category.
Those products appearing at the top of the catalog are your best
sellers – you should choose a product near the top of the list.

Just be sure to buy, read and use the product to ensure that it is,
indeed, a good product.

Step 4: Write and Upload a Mini eCourse

Your next step is to create an autoresponder series around the
topic of your product so that you can promote your offer. Your
autoresponder series should be at least 7-12 messages long.

For example:

You’re selling a copywriting product. You can create a seven-part
ecourse on how to write a sales letter. Then promote the
copywriting product in every message.

You’re selling a diet recipe book. You can create a 10-part weight
loss course that pitches the recipe book in every message.

You’re selling a dog training video. You can create a seven part
course that teaches the basic obedience lessons such as sit, down
and stay. In every message you refer your prospects to the paid
video for more information.

Here’s the key: Do NOT solve your prospect’s problems 100%. You
want to provide useful but incomplete information, so that your
prospects need to purchase your affiliate offer in order to fully
solve their problems.

Step 5: Create a Squeeze page

Next, you need to persuade your prospects to subscribe to your
ecourse. You do this by creating a mini sales page (AKA squeeze
page). This page should include:

o A headline that touts your course’s major benefit (e.g., “FREE:
How to housetrain your puppy in just three easy steps!”).

o A list of the other benefits of your course (e.g., “You’ll
discover the secrets of turning an unruly, rambunctious puppy into
a perfect houseguest!”).

o And a call to action (e.g., “Just enter your name and email
address in the form below now, click join and you’ll get instant
access to this eye-opening report!”).

You may also provide proof of your claims, such as testimonials,
videos, screenshots, pictures and similar evidence.

Step 6: Drive Traffic to the Squeeze Page

Next, you need to drive targeted traffic to your squeeze page so
that you can quickly build your list. You can do this by:

o Starting a blog and posting articles that are optimized for the
search engines.

o Trading links with other high traffic sites in your niche.

o Being a guest blogger on other peoples’ blogs.

o Co-promoting with other marketers in your niche (e.g., endorsing
each other in your newsletters).

o Submitting articles to and other article

o Using social media sites like, Yahoo! Answers, and

o Participating on niche forums on in niche blog discussions.

Step 7: Add Messages to Your Autoresponder Series

Once you’re getting traffic, building your list and making a
profit, you can start adding even more messages to your
autoresponder – anywhere from a couple month’s worth of messages to
a year or more.

That way you’ll make money virtually on autopilot – all you have to
do is build your list and let your autoresponder do all the work!


Making money online doesn’t have to be complicated, not when you
follow these seven easy steps!

Jimmy D. Brown is the publisher of IMvestments: How To IMvest in Internet Marketing for a Great ROI, a comprehensive course teaching 7 ways to buy internet marketing related assets and quickly realize significant profitable yields from them. Details at

Ever feel like a unicyclist stuck in a foot of mud?

“Grow your business.”

You’ve heard that before. And while you can grow plenty of other things (vegetables, your hair, sea monkeys), maybe the whole idea of growing your business has so far eluded you.

You can get traffic to your website or store. You can make sales. Maybe you can even bank a little profit. But sometimes it feels like there’s an invisible ceiling that’s capping your earnings. And if you could just break through that ceiling, you’d enter a new tax bracket. You’d take your business to the next level. You might even start enjoying a new lifestyle.

But nothing quite works.

You feel like a unicyclist sinking in a foot of mud – you try and you try, but you don’t budge an inch. You don’t move forward or back. You just stay stuck – working so dang hard but not getting anywhere fast.

Until now, that is…

Introducing the iBusiness Owner membership site – your ticket to growing your business!

>>> You can check it out right here:

This is NOT some irrelevant collection of materials or some basic “how to start a business” information. Instead, these are proven strategies that you can use to grow your business. You’ll discover profit-multiplying strategies such as:

* How to turn more browsers into cash-paying buyers.

* Which kind of products or services put the most profit in your pocket.

* How to generate more revenue on every transaction.

* How to turn one-time buyers into repeat customers that generate hundreds if not thousands of dollars in extra income for you.

* How to expand your market reach to beat your competitors and get a bigger piece of the market share.

And much, much more!

You’ll enjoy learning about and employing some of these strategies from your first month as a member. And every month thereafter you’ll discover still more ways to grow your business.

Bottom line, if you want to see real results – if you want to finally learn how to take your business to the next level – then visit

And do it now, because the sooner you do, the sooner you’ll enjoy rapid growth and increased profits!

Best regards,

Dave McGarry

22 minutes to generating business on Facebook

What if  I told you that all you need to do is set aside 22 minutes of your time and you could be generating business on Facebook.
I mean let’s face it you have heard all the buzz about how you need a Facebook Fan Page for your business but do you really know what you need to do to convert ‘Fans’ into customers. Don’t worry I was right there with you when I first started but I finally realized I needed to learn more about how to use my fan page to capture leads and eventually get sales.
I came across a guy by the name of Brian Moran who didn’t just promote his product as a “buy this to make millions” but showed me how to grow a fan base that actually buys from you. Brian practices what he preaches and gives out great content.
Check out this live demo from Brian Moran of Get 10,000 Fans! Brian has taken multiple Fan Page from 0 to 10,000 fans and way beyond. And here is a short demo he did about 2 unbelievably common mistakes so many of us make when marketing on Facebook. Check it out!
Oh, and yes in full disclosure that is my affiliate link but as I always do I never promote anyone that I have not personally either used their products or followed them for some time.
I truly believe that if you just follow one or two of Brian’s strategies you will grow a Facebook Fan page that will give you paying customers.

The Best iPhone Apps For the Small Business On The Go

The Best iPhone Apps For the Small Business On The Go





We now possess the ability to bring our work with us anywhere we go. This can sometimes be a bad thing, in the case of vacations or weekends, when the last thing you want to think about is that one client who was hounding you all week. But taking your job with you anywhere can also be great. Many of the core areas of business are performed digitally now, including marketing, inventory management and sales. This has allowed the development of some great apps for your iPhone. If you’re constantly on the move, whether that means running around town going to different meetings or flying to different continents for your business, here are a few apps you should not be without.

Google Docs

This is basically a mobile incarnation of Google’s popular document editing and sharing application. If you’re ever collaborating on a business proposal, speech or marketing strategy with another person or a group of people, this is a great app for you. The app continuously updates your documents so that other collaborators’ updates show up on your phone within seconds. Google Docs also features Google Cloud Print, which is an awesome feature that allows you to print wirelessly on the go.


Freshbooks Minibooks

Have you ever gotten a call from an old customer asking you to quote him a price on a project, but you don’t have all the numbers in front of you? This app allows you to view and send information about invoices, quotes, payments and more right from your iPhone. Freshbooks is the leading firm for online invoicing and MiniBooks’ clean design and great organization are evidence of that.


You’ve probably been to a farmer’s market or craft fair and seen vendors sliding customer’s credit cards through the little white square attached to the end of their iPhone. That, my friend, is Square. The app allows you to take credit card payments for goods on the go. Square’s rates are very reasonable (2.75 percent on all charges), and you can set up your account so the money gets deposited in your business’ bank account the next day. Don’t be the only game in town that doesn’t accept plastic. Go Square.

The ability to bring your work with you anywhere is great, and these apps help enhance that ability. The key to maintaining your sanity, however, is to know when to turn your phone off and enjoy your vacations, weekends and holidays. And there’s not an app for that. Yet.

“Brett T. writes about small business, new software, inventory management, and time management for the Blog Content Guild.