I love Back to School



 Today was the first day of school for us here in Texas! I always loved the first day of school. For me I always felt like I had another shot at doing better and making better grades. Unfortunately, I seemed to always care more about sports and friends. Well, I guess I do not feel that bad for me because I had some great times and would not change it for the world. I do however, wished I would have spent more time learning back then. The funny thing is I did not start really studying until after college. Okay, I am sure you are wondering what am I getting at so I will get to my quick point today.

Today is the first day of school and for the most part kids are starting over and have the opportunity to make things right for the year but for you and me we do not have to wait until the next school year to make things right. Each day we can approach our career and day as a brand new start. If there is something you want to get better at then set a goal to become better. if you want to change a bad habit that start practicing the discipline you need to break it. Don’t wait until next year to get better and start fresh. Start today and live the life you have always wanted to live.

The Answer to the Million Dollar Question

So how do you get more personal training clients?

This is the million dollar question that every personal trainer asks at some point in their career and I have a simple answer for you today. If you want more personal training clients then you need to create raving fans. Yes, I mean clients who at every chance they get they talk about you and brag about how great their personal trainer is. Now not every client is going to be a raving fan so the key here is to find the ones who are and get them out there talking about you. Okay so you are asking how do I create raving fans? Well it is not as hard as you think and by the end of this post you will know what constitues a raving fan and how to create them.


So what defines a raving fan?

First of all a raving raving fan comes often. In our profession they personal train 2-3x a week and come week in and week out throughout the year.

Second, a raving fan pays full price. You do not need to give them free sessions or give them a package deal.

Finally, a raving fan is someone who tells people and tells us about it. You will absolutuely know who your raving fan is because they will tell you that they talk about you to all their friends and family and at the same time tell you how much they LOVE you!

Now, let’s assume you are just getting started or maybe you need some more raving fans well this next section is going to be about how to create Raving Fans. 

I have said this before but the single most important way to attract and build a raving fan is to build trust with them. They need to trust you as much as the trust their closest friends and family.

Deliver 2nd Mile Customer service. Matthew 5:41 in the bible states ” If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.” Essentially, what this passage is referring to is do the unexpected don’t just reciprocate go beyond. Going the second mile can make the difference between a normal client and a raving fan. It does not have to be something totally crazy but surprise your client by doing something they would have never thought you would do. It could be as simple as sending them a gift card to their favorite retail store after they reached a weight goal. You don’t have to give a lot but you need to give something your client would not ever thought you would do.

The final step to creating a raving fan is to create an emotional experience with your personal training client. If it is all about reps, sets, and exercises you will not connect with them. You need to make it personal and find that emotional hot button that really gets your personal training client engaged. Also, I cannot tell you how important it is to conduct your personal training sessions with enthusiasm. There is nothing more troubling to me then to see a personal trainer stand there with their arms crossed and lips shut throughout the entire session. Show your enthusiasm and energy towards your client.

If you build trust, dekiver 2nd mile customer service and create an emotional experience with your personal training client then you will succeed in building raving fans and ultimately you will get more clients!! Now go get some raving fans!!!

What you can learn from “Shamu” the Killer Whale

Well I am back from a wonderful relaxing vacation with the family. Despite the sweltering heat we had an amazing time visiting San Antonio and Sea World. Now, I would like to be able to say that I did not think about work but unfortunately I can not help but think about how my experiences can help give you an edge or tip to increase your knowledge and business. So, my question for you today is, what can you learn from a killer whale named “Shamu”? 

I am assuming everyone has had the opportunity to visit a Sea World and has seen the Shamu Show. If not, I highly recommend that you visit a location near you and take in the experience. So with that being said, each year Sea Worlds change things up with the themes of their shows and currently the theme of the Shamu show is “Believe”. What a great theme for what we are currently experiencing right now in this economy. I know people are struggling right now and now more than ever it is important to continue to believe in what you are doing and most importantly, believe in yourself.  Beleiving in yourself is an important first step for your success, but the real lesson I want to get across to you today is what you can learn from Shamu the killer whale.

The first and most important lesson to take away is that Shamu is the predator of all predators in the ocean; however, as dominant as this creature is the killer whale and the Sea World trainers have developed a trust that is incomprehensible to think of. Who would ever think that a whale and a trainer could come together and develop a trust that allows a unique relationship to develop and flourish. Building trust is the single most important  trait that you need to develop with your clients. Trust will open up doors that you never thought were possible and once the doors are open then you will be able to help solve the emotional pain that your client is experiencing. I guarantee you that once you have established trust with your client you will create a raving fan. (More on raving fans at a later date)

The second take away from Shamu is the adaptability that exists between him and the environment that exists at Sea World. It is almost unfathomable to think that a killer whale is able to adapt to different elements and ultimately succeed no matter what environment that he is in. This is important for personal trainers if you want to succeed. The best way to become a successful personal trainer is to adapt to your environment and your client. Each client will present a different opportunity and with that you will need to adapt to their personality and their needs if you want to retain them as a client. Listen, if a killer whale can adapt from being the dominant animal in the sea to a trained entertainer then I know that you can adapt to whatever client personality that is presented to you.

If you want to be a successful personal trainer learn two things from Shamu the killer whale. Build trust and learn to adapt to your environment and you will become successful with your business.

What Business are You in?

Duh! The Fitness Business, Dave! No, if you are a fitness professional you are not in the fitness business. You are in the business of changing lives. You are in the business of creating experiences for your clients. You are the dream realization business. Too many times have I seen fitness professionals fail because they believe that the business they are in is working out. They believe that it is all about anatomy, biomechanics, sets, reps, and soreness. This is one reason we are having a hard time converting people who currently do not exercise into gym members. Here is a list of things we need to keep in mind when trying to get a prospect to use our services.

1.) Clients buy for their reasons not yours.

2.) Clients want an experience

3.) Clients want their problem solved

4.) Clients buy when they TRUST you

Keeping these four reasons in mind when approaching your business will help when you are in the prospecting mode and trying to gain more business. Don’t get caught in the trap of thinking that you need to inundate a prospect or client with tons of scientific terms and movements. Keep it simple and remember that you are in the business of changing lives and solving problems. If you just focus on solving the client’s needs you will be guaranteed to generate more personal training sales.

Today is your Independence Day

I hope you had a fun and relaxing Fourth of July. I know for me it is a day that I cherish and look forward to every year. This was not always the case when I was younger. Back in my late teenage years and college days I did not really appreciate the freedom that we have in this country.

I know today there is a lot of anxiety and uncertainty on what is going on in our country and government, but the fact still remains to be true that we have the freedom to choose and create a life of prosperity and wealth. The choice is up to you. You can stand up and embrace the freedom of choice or you can sit there and be miserable and make no progress towards your dreams.

If you are not where you want to be then change it. If you want more personal training clients then find a way to get more. Start a bootcamp. Go speak to local companies in your area and promote your business.If you want to make more money start a business. It could be an online or brick and mortar, but get started with something.

My final thoughts today on this wonderful holiday involves thinking about everyone who fought for the freedoms we have today. If you look back to the early days of the founding of our country the people fought hard for what they wanted and did not give up until they had their dreams realized. So, today I challenge you to create your financial independence and do something this upcoming week that will continue to push you towards reaching your goals and dreams.