Do you want to build your own personal brand?

I am pasting this email on my blog to share with you an email that I received from a guy named David Frey. He is the owner of and the author of the Small Business Marketing  Bible. I have been following David for some time now and he offers these free Tele-seminars on different topics. I have listened to several of these in the past and they provide great information. If you are interested at all in building your own personal brand, sign up for the FREE seminar and listen to some of the experts tell you how to do it. Read the email below to learn more and then join me  for the calls.

Why Do THEY Seem To Get All The Business
And Not Me?

I get asked all the time by the small
business owners and entrepreneurs about
how they can get more business.

They look around and see others getting
all the business they can handle with
ease, while they struggle to get any

So, what’s the big difference? Why do
some people seem to get tons of
business, while others struggle to get

In many cases, it comes down to how
they’ve POSITIONED themselves in the
market or industry… how they’ve
BRANDED themselves in the minds of their

The GOOD NEWS is that you can do this
too! You can brand yourself and/or your
company and become the “Go-To” person in
your industry.

The GREAT NEWS is that you’ll learn how
to do just that in my new telesummit

“The Branding Masters Telesummit!”

You can go and register for it right

It won’t cost you anything.

And we interviewed some of the absolute
best branding experts in the industry.

Go see for yourself at…

Each day over the next week you’ll be
receiving announcements about the
different interviews that will be
playing that day.

The Branding Telesummit includes experts
in the areas of…

* How to brand yourself as celebrity in
your industry

* How to repair a tarnished brand

* How to get started building your brand

* How to create evangelists that promote
your brand for you

* How to re-brand your business if you
decide to go a new direction

And much more.

Go and sign up now.

Again, it won’t cost you a dime to
listen to these interviews.

Have an awesome day!


Creating your own Fixed Term Membership Site

Video:  Get 1,000 customers (must watch within 72 hours - anytime)

What would it mean to your business if you had 1,000 customers sending you
MONTHLY payments for your own membership site?

When you hear those kinds of numbers being thrown around on salesletters,
you're probably skeptical.  Me too.  It just sounds "too good to be true".

Well, Jimmy D. Brown has made a believer out of me!  He's broken the 1,000  broken the 1,000 paying member barrier not once, not twice, but THREE times!
All three times it took him less than two weeks without any "product launch" or
"guru partners" lined up to pull it off.

He's prepared a special video for you to watch which shows you the exact steps
he used to make it all happen. It's a little over an hour in length.  You can
watch it at

No charge.  No list to join.  No hoops.

NOTE:  It will only be available for the next THREE days.  On Thursday morning
at 11:00 AM, he'll be pulling it off the site.

   ** Don't have a membership site?  Don't worry!  He's also
      gonna show you how to have your own original membership
      site up and running within 48 hours!

It's completely free and you can view it all online with no telephone calls or
charges of any kind. 

During this videocast you'll discover...

-- How to get 1,000 cash-in-hand, paying subscribers for your
   membership site even if you don't have "guru" friends to
   help you with a "product launch".

-- How to setup your own membership site in just 2 days if
   you don't already have one of your own.  (His wife, who has
   absolutely ZERO experience setup one by following this
   simple plan ... he'll show you how.)

Watch the video now at...

There is a "printable guide" you can download at

**** ONE FINAL NOTE ****

Membernaire is being retired in a matter of days and will no longer be
available for sale.

There is a special offer at the site for Membernaire ... instead of paying $27
per month for 12 months and getting your lessons weekly (total investment
$324 over 52 weeks) you can...

Purchase the entire year's subscription for a one-time price of $247 and
download everything NOW!

Details are at the bottom of the video page.

Best regards,
David McGarry

Crush Your Job

Happy Labor Day! I hope today you are enjoying some R&R and spending time with your family and friends. Tonight I have my Fantasy Football draft and I am hoping to come away with a winning team.

Listen, today I want to share with you a product I recently purchased that shows you how to make money on EBAY. I have always known that EBAY is a great market place but for some reason I never thought about the potential it has for fitness professionals.

If you are interested in creating another passive revenue stream for your business check out this product. It has a 60 day money back guarantee. Also, in full disclosure the link I am providing is my affiliate link for the product. I am extremely pleased with the product and am looking forward to launching several products in the near future. Take a look and let me know what you think.

Okay, I have to go do some research for the draft tonight.


Getting started selling High Profit Information Products on
eBay® is much easier than you think and I am going to prove
it by letting your try out one of my most highly
recommended eBay® training courses for free.

Here’s what I’m talking about:

Simply order the most comprehensive step-by-step training
system I’ve ever seen for selling Info Products on eBay® –
“The Auction Profit Machine(TM) “.

Take a full 2 months to learn and apply everything in the

If it isn’t everything I say it is, or if you don’t like
it for any reason or no reason at all, Jeff and Rob will
happily refund every single penny of your money. No
questions asked.

See for yourself:

Even if you ask for a refund, you can keep the entire
course for free.

So basically, you could rip them off if you wanted to.

I know it might seem crazy to offer a guarantee like this
and a lot of people told them they were nuts for doing it.

But not me; I think their 60 day “test drive guarantee” is
pure brilliance!

Check it out for yourself:

I know once you dive into the material and see the
enormous value you’re getting you’ll want to keep the
course forever and refer to it for many years to come.

It really is that good.

I’ve always said “Selling information products is truly
the ultimate lifestyle business” –

And selling information products on eBay® is one of the
lowest-risk, highest profit business I’ve ever seen!

You can have someone fill your orders instantly with no shipping
hassles. No more standing in line at the post office with
the other eBay® sellers. This will save you an enormous
amount of time.

Highly Recommended:

You will eliminate your competition. Your info-products
have your own unique story behind them. No two info-
products will ever be the same. And if people want your
information, they have only one source to get it from…
YOU. This will annihilate your competition and set you
free from worries.

You won’t have to invest a lot of time in creating your
products. This is key. You’re going to learn about
instant product creation and you’ll also discover how to
create a huge library of products to sell without doing any
of the work.

You effortlessly create unlimited opportunities for
backend sales. These are sales after your initial sale.
Once someone buys from you and they like what you offer,
they become raving fans. Then they’ll want to buy
virtually everything else you create.

Here’s the whole story:

This is a huge opportunity. A single customer can be
worth thousands of dollars over his or her lifetime.
Nothing is better suited for this than selling information
products. Nothing.

And that’s why Jeff and Rob are willing to put all of the
risk on their shoulders.

Download “The Auction Profit Machine: The ‘No Risk’ System
For Quick and Easy eBay® Profits!” training manuals and
video tutorials today.

Use the materials for a full 2 months.

And if you don’t get amazing results from it, get your
money back and keep the entire course for free.

Check it out:

So, ask yourself this “what do I have to lose?”

Simply order our brand new Auction Profit Machine(TM) course

Take 2 months to learn and apply everything in the course.

If it isn’t everything I say it is, or if you don’t like
it for any reason or no reason at all, Jeff and Rob will
happily refund every single penny of your money.

Even if you ask for a refund, you can keep the entire
course for free.

No hassles, no questions, no hoops to jump through.

Just ask for your money back and they’ll refund it

These guys will even let you keep the entire course and
all the bonuses for free just for giving them a chance to
prove to you how truly powerful their new eBay® training
manuals and video tutorials really are.

Get started selling info products on ebay today:

It really is that simple so do yourself a favor and order
it today while they are still offering it at the
ridiculously low introductory price. It won’t last long!

Jeff and Rob are real people selling a real product and I
can’t recommend it highly enough.

Like I said before, what do you have to lose?

Check it out:

Enjoy the course,

David McGarry

P.S. Do yourself a huge favor and get your hands on Jeff’s
incredible new “The Auction Profit Machine: The Less Work, More
Money, Higher Profits System For Quick and Easy eBay® Profits!” training
manuals and video tutorials today before he raises the price…

They promised me they would raise the price soon… and I believe them so
don’t miss out on this incredibly generous introductory offer.

Great stuff… check it out:

Special Offer if you want to build a list

Can A Listbuilding System Be TOTALLY Automated?

I know we’re all a bit sick and tired of promises of “automated software” that will make us rich before dinner.

And I’m always the first to be skeptical of these kinds of outrageous claims.

But today I may have to actually eat my words.

Because I just picked up a listbuildilng system that really is incredibly fast…,

And the traffic actually does keeps flow in on auto-pilot.

It’s a pretty new tactic on the scene that I’ve heard of.

But I never really knew how to implement it.

Then I found this:

Free Plug N Play Listbuilding System

At that link 7 figure marketer Bill McRea is GIVING AWAY this listbuilding system totally free…

It’s his way of getting some buzz going for his upcoming product launch (apparently he’s go another system up his sleeve that’s even better than this)

In any case..

I went and got this myself and it’s totally legit.

There’s nothing scammy about it all.
It’s just a way to instantly create a win-win offer that potential JV partners can’t refuse.

Bill hand you EVERYTHING you need to make it work. And I mean EVERYTHING.

So if you know the power of having a mailing list..

Do yourself a favor and go get this.

Do it now: Free Plug N Play Listbuilding System

I mean…you can’t beat the price, right?

P.S. There is one catch to this…you’ll have to help spread the word. But that’s easy for me because I’ve seen this strategy in action and know that it works.
You should get Free Plug N Play Listbuilding System now!

Live Like You Are Dying

May is the worst month and best month of the year for me. Today, marks the 4 year anniversary of my father’s passing and tomorrow will be the one year anniversary of my grandfather’s passing. If that isn’t enough, my brother and cousin passed away in the following weeks. So, you can see why the first part of May is not so good for me. My wife actually would like to lock me up and keep me quarantined until June, but I am not scared and I am pressing on.

Okay, so where does the good part come into play for me, you might ask? Actually, every year when I am reminded of my family members who are no longer with me  I get a sense of rejuvenation and a spirit of re-birth. I use their passing as a way to motivate me to do the things that I have said I want to accomplish before it is my time to leave.

I am just curious, how many of you say to yourself,  ” I will do that tomorrow or I will experience that next year because I am too busy.”  Let me tell you, don’t put off what you can do today for tomorrow because tomorrow might never come. I spoke to my dad hours before he passed away from a heart attack and we were talking about how in a few months he was going to come out to see me in Texas! That day, sadly, never happened and it always sits hard knowing that we should have gotten him out sooner to see us.

I hope you understand what I am trying to say here. I want you to realize that we only have a certain amount of time on this planet to make a difference, and  if you have goals that you want to accomplish or have always wanted to start your own business, today is a great day to get started.

Now, with that being said, I want to make sure I am leading by example here. So, here is what I am going to stop putting off.  For the longest time now I have had a goal to start a membership site for my business ,and today I am going to start taking action by announcing to you that, How to Train and Grow Rich has officially been started. I am working on the specifics, but initially the site will be geared towards fitness professionals, personal trainers, and group exercise instructors, however, the site can help just about anybody who wants to learn how to create passive revenue streams and develop the lifestyle they want to live. Once  I have everything mapped out I will give an update ,but for now I wanted to take action and announce my intentions.

So, what can you do today that you have been putting off? Take action, because tomorrow may be too late. As for me, I will celebrate the lives of my family by striving to become  a better father, husband, and business coach. Also I will strive to live out each day to its fullest.

In memory of you Dad, Gramps, Kevin, and Sheila. I will always love you!

Coach Dave