Weekly Wrap and Celebrate Your Wins

Today is the first Sunday of the month in February and as is usual custom it is Super Bowl Sunday here in the U.S. The Super Bowl hosts the two best teams from each division from the NFL It is the highest goal a professional football player can achieve if they win the big game. Now if you remember a few years ago there was a commercial ad that would run from Walt Disney having usually the MVP player of the game say after they won they would celebrate by going to Disney!

Today, I want to use the blog to journal some of my wins for the week and to also talk to you about celebrating your wins.

Do you celebrate your wins?

For the longest time I would set goals for myself and strive to do my best to reach them. Some of them I hit and some I failed miserably. Typically I would dwell on the ones that I failed at and never took the time to celebrate the ones I won. It wasn’t until I was working with a business coach that it was pointed out to me that acknowledging your wins and putting out a reward for accomplishing it helps to keep the momentum going and also change your mindset when you start to dwell on what is not going right.

So after this was pointed out I then changed my goal setting process. In the past I set a goal and that was it. When I reached it I moved on to the next goals, however, with my new process I set a goal and I have a reward for hitting it. It doesn’t t have to be anything big and crazy like buying a new car or buying something expensive like a new watch or phone but something that gives you some satisfaction. Most of the time for me when I hit my goal I give myself the reward of more education. I typically will buy a book that I have been wanting to get or maybe even a course to learn a new skill. The key though is to celebrate the achievement. You may want to go out and party on the town or maybe you do want to buy some new clothes. It doesn’t matter what you buy but what does matter is you celebrate your wins. Now, speaking of celebrating wins about a year ago I started to use Sundays as my day to recap the week and celebrate what good happened. Today is that day and I am going to share it with you and everyone else moving forward.

The week of Jan 28th – Feb 3rd.

My biggest win for the week was in the Physical category. Just so you know I separate my categories into physical, financial, spiritual, mindset and professional. Now, the reason I choose physical for my biggest win of the week is because back on Jan 3rd I hurt my back really bad and was debilitated for about 2 weeks. I have never felt so much pain and been unable to walk like that in my whole life. I was thankful for my good friend, who is a sports medicine doctor, who helped get me back functioning. On the last day of the month for the first time in almost a month I was able to run again. Nothing stellar but thankful to be able to run and get a good sweat on so that is why I am calling it my biggest win!

What was your biggest win for the week? Do you celebrate your wins? Share in comments or on FB.

Coach Dave


If you want to succeed get your mind right

Get your mind right for success

If you were to climb inside my head sometimes you would be shocked to hear what is going on in there. I would say one of the big reasons people whether it be entrepreneurs or a person trying to lose weight fails is their mind isn’t right.

As you learned in yesterday’s post I told you I had accepted the “One Funnel Away Challenge” and one of the challenges was to find your voice and publish everyday. Well, one of the first pre-week mission assignments was to get your mind right and mentally prepare to succeed. I bought in and went through the lessons and can tell you I came out stronger mentally then when I first stated.

You see it has been almost 10 years since I have started on this journey to create an online business. It all started when I was fired  from my job back in 2010. After that event I had decided to never let anyone dictate my overall circumstances and have complete control over my livelihood and financial security. It was then that I embarked on the entrepreneur journey. And let me tell you it has been a journey but like I told my wife the other day I am like a bad who is playing at small little dive bars waiting to finally hit it big

So here is where I circle back and bring back the whole mindset to succeed statement. You see I’m not truly sure in the last ten years I deep down believed that I could succeed at this whole online stuff. Is my mind different know you ask? Well, over the last two years that has been a major area of focus for me and I do believe I have come to believe deep down that I will succeed at building an online business that creates the ideal lifestyle I want for me and my family.

Why has it changed? Great question and I’ll circle back to Russell and his “one funnel away challenge.” I have been following Russell for some time now and it wasn’t until recently he opened up about his entrepreneur journey and his failures. He got really raw and shared how he almost lost everything. I had no clue because all I ever saw was his success and never knew he almost lost it all.

He also goes on to share how he was able to keep his business alive by creating a sales funnel and sell to his list of customers. It was because of this sales funnel he was able to stay afloat and that is when he came up with the slogan you are only one funnel away… When I listened to that I thought to myself I don’t care how many times I have tried to create a success online business and failed because I am only one funnel away from making it. I truly believe that and that is why I have not quit!

How Do I Change My Mindset?

Well I can’t say that I am an expert and that I have “cured” my negative thoughts and thoughts of failure but after studying other successful entrepreneurs and reading on the conscious and subconscious parts to your mind I have come to practice a few things. Now this is not completely researched back and my description is just how I view it know but here it is.

First of all, this is not easy to do but you need to focus on training your subconscious. You see your subconscious mind acts the way it is has been taught through prior life experiences. This happens at a very young age and it believes what the mind tells it. That is why you hear experts talk about how important it is when you are raising kids to give them positive rewarding experiences and not always negative ones. Also, the subconcious mind doesn’t change easily and that is the part that is hard. Especially, if you have health with failure in your life and you constantly don’t believe change is possible.

So, after learning more about that I try and trick or train my subconscious to believe that I am a successful entrepreneur. I do this through affirmations and consistently writing my goals down daily. I learned this from Grant Cardone. If you have not read his book “The 10X Rule” put it on your reading list! Essentially, what he says to do and what I try to practice daily is writing my goals as they have already happened. For example, I write down daily that “I am part of the 2 comma club.” For those that don’t know what the 2 comma club is, it is the award that is given out to a person who uses Click Funnels and makes a million dollars with one sales funnel you have. I also write down that I have a 3 million dollars in net worth. I have other goals that I also write down for my health, family, spiritual but for the sake of this post I am sharing with you my financial goals.

The other method that I also use is to mediate and while mediating I visualize how I feel and act as I would be when my goals become reality. This is fairly new practice but I can tell you that when I go through this process I feel more energized and optimistic about my day.

The final piece to me changing my mindset and setting myself up for success is to stop having a scarcity mindset. I find myself always thinking that I don’t have enough money or that costs too much so I can’t do that. Now don’t take this to mean you don’t have discipline in your spending but more of getting rid of the mindset of I don’t have enough and scarcity. I try to think in terms of abundance and I have plenty.

So, what are things you do to change your mindset and set yourself up for success? Remember I want this to more of two way street and create engagement. Go on over to my Facebook page and leave me a comment on what you do to help get your mind right!

Coach Dave

{Update} How to Get Started Training Clients; Online Online Training Academy Review

Online Trainer Academy Review; Are You Looking to Train Clients Online?

Let’s face it, I know you are tired of waking up every morning at 4 am to get to the gym to train your first client. I mean you just left the gym the night before at 8 pm and it feels like you were just there. Listen, I know you didn’t get into personal training for the money and you are passionate about helping transform peoples’s lives! But seriously, the long hours and early morning alarm wake ups are killing you! I have been there and I don’t care what anyone says it never gets easier! Don’t worry though I have a solution for you and it comes in the form of the Online Trainer Academy. The very first online personal trainer certification! Let me tell you a little bit about it and how it is going to help you ditch that 4 am alarm for good!

Online personal training I have been in the fitness industry a long time and believe it or not my first online client came back when the only thing available to me was AOL dial up. Yes, you remember the saying, “You’ve Got Mail!” My first online client was a client who lived in Florida. You see when I first graduated from college I worked in my home state of Florida but eventually moved out to Texas to be with my girlfriend, and now wife. I had worked with this client one on one for a few months before I moved and the client didn’t want to lose me as her trainer. But, how would I do it went through my mind. Well, I came up with a solution and here is how it worked. Essentially,  I would email her a program every so many weeks and she would journal all her info and send it back to me via email as well. Cell phones had just come available for everyone so we would talk periodically, texting was not a thing yet :). Also, I didn’t really know how much to charge for my online services and I didn’t feel confident charging her the $55 dollars I was charging my in person clients soI charged her half of that fee ( even though I probably spent as much time putting together her program and following up with her. The other thing you may laugh at is the only way for her to pay me was to mail me a check. Yes, it was pre Pay-Pal, Stripe or any other merchant account processing gateway. We did this for a few months and  then she found another trainer locally and wanted to work with him. I had no hard feelings because I didn’t feel like I was giving her the best value and service, as well as, I always felt guilty about charging her for training online and not being with her in person. However, it did give me the itch and continuous thought about how could I continue to reach out and use the Internet to help impact and transform lives of more people and become an online personal trainer. As the years progressed and technology advanced so did online training but I still didn’t have all the pieces figured out. That all changed within the past couple of years. Consumers feel more comfortable paying for services online and with all the technology that essentially allows you to create videos, text, social media and a ton of other applications online training has become more accepted.

For me, I learned the hard way and went through trail and error to get to the point where I finally feel like I am able to build and scale an online personal training business. My suggestion for you is don’t waste years trying to figure it out on your own when you go almost have a “online training business in a box” given to you. I kind of hate saying that because there has been an influx of so called gurus who will coach you to be the next online millionaire coach. Not so with this certification and resource that comes with OTA. Jon Goodman is the real deal and if you do a Google search you will fund hundreds of great articles and resources created by him. And if you think this is just a course you are mistaken it is an “academy” and it will help you not only become a certified online personal trainer but also help you build a business and a lifestyle that allows you to continue to do what you love without trading hours for dollars. The rest of this post is going to be a review of the “Online Trainer Academy!”

So I am not sure how I ran across Jon Goodman. He may have Geo targeted me with a Facebook Ad but I ran across is book “Viralnomics” and I really bought into what he was talking about. From there I looked him up and started to read more of what he was dishing out and began to really like and trust him. I mean let’s face it there is so much hype and BS that people spew out these days sometimes it is hard to believe what they are saying is true or not. So, when I received one of Jon’s email one day talking about his upcoming “Online Personal Trainer Academy” I was intrigued. You see at this point I had had some success training clients online but I really didn’t have a system or plan to really scale my online training business. And even though I have an MBA I still didn’t really have the model down. That is until I became one of the first group of certified online personal trainers!

You see it wasn’t that I didn’t know what to do in terms of how to create programs or how to use the technology but more of how to get a system I could create that matched my target demo and how to scale it. Jon does an excellent job of laying it all out there in the text and online videos so you have clarity on the steps to take and action plans to implement to get you to reaching what he calls your “freedom number!” So without further ado here is my honest review!

>>Click Here to Enroll in The Online Trainer Academy<<

Online Trainer Academy ReviewWhat is the Online Trainer Academy?

Well according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, one definition of “academy” is, a society of learned persons organized to advance art, science, or literature. Well, like I said after I started to follow Jon Goodman and learn more about him I found out that the “Online Trainer Academy” derived and comprised of hundreds of personal trainers that Jon either coached or went through his first coaching program, which was the “1k a month program.” The course was constructed and designed to help personal trainers make an extra 1k a month in passive income to help them increase their income potential without having to trade more dollars for hours. Now, I did not go through that course so I can’t tell you exactly what it entailed but when you go through the academy Jon tells you about how he took what he learned form that and from hundreds of other trainers who went through the course to build upon and finally create the academy.

So, just like the definition states, the academy is really a group of personal trainers that got organized (PTDC) and then what was learned from that group became the first online personal training certification. Now, this certification isn’t your typical personal training certification. It  is a mixture of business and fitness that helps solidify you as a qualified trainer who knows how to take your knowledge and scale it by using technology to reach out and transform lives regardless of location. But, before you decide if the academy is right for you let’s explore if online training is even right for you.

Is the Online Training and the Academy for Me?

 I think it’s potentially for you if…

You’ve coached people successfully offline for at least a few years. I’m not trying to be some old curmudgeon and telling you that you can’t do something if you’re young…heck, I started coaching and training when I was only 21 and in college.

But for you to stand out in the market, experience matters. For you to know how to solve certain problems that are more challenging from a far, experience matters. I strongly believe that it’s much easier to set the foundation for being great at online coaching if you’ve done it in person for a while…and if that is your goal the academy will help you lay the groundwork and when you are ready it will be there for you.

You want to expand or evolve. I often talk about adding a second stream of income. I also am a big fan of taking risk that is high yield and low cost. As Jon mentions what would your life be like if you could add another 1k to 2k a month in income a month without having to add more time in the gym be to your lifestyle. Plus, to be honest become an online trainer is going to do so much more than just bring you income. By becoming an online trainer you are going to become that much better at being a transformation coach. Trust me you learn what I am talking about once you take the plunge!

You’re not tech / online averse. I’m not exactly a tech whiz, but I’m very comfortable connecting with people via email, social media, etc. And I’m also ok to use some simple technology tools to facilitate my clients’ progress. If you’re going to go online – you’ll have to do the same. Don’t worry the academy certification will help you with this. And, the simple “5 a day” on Facebook is a game changer. You learn that in the course! Oh, and let me just tell you they keep adding new strategies and new marketing methods to the course as online training evolves.

You’re willing to treat this at least like it is an extension of your personal training business. Sure, you can get the certification and it will help you coach clients who’ve moved out of your area and stuff like that, which will more than make your investment in the academy back…but really, this was designed for coaches who want to have a greater impact on transforming lives and help you grow your fitness business. Whether you want it to be 10% or 100% – you’ll have to treat it like a business for the time you spend on it in order for it to work. Don’t worry the model on setting up your business will walk you through this!

Online trainer academy look inside How is the Online Trainer Academy Structured?

The academy essentially is broken into what I would say is three parts. First, the textbook, which is very in-depth with the critical information that you need to know to help build and become a successful online trainer. Second, is the online portal. Each module in the book has a corresponding module online that Jon presents information that is relevant to the specific module. Finally, the third component is the workbook. As you work through the text and the online videos you will also be asked to do an assignment. These assignments are geared to helped you build out your business model and other relevant aspects to a successful online trading business. You will also be required to enter the info into the online portal, which not only forces you to do it because until you enter the info you are unable to move to the next module. Plus, it is saved online in case you lose your hard copy.
Now, at the end of the course they unlock the certification test: a 75-question multiple choice test taken online. Once you pass with a score of 75% or higher you become certified. At this point you can promote yourself an OTC (certified online trainer).

How Much Does it Cost? 

When I first wrote this review I had published prices but because Jon and his team always tries to continue to add value and service the price may differ from when I initially enrolled. I do know they offer a discount to early bird enrollees and have had a payment plan in place in the past. Regardless, if price is your concern I can tell you that I made my return on investment within 6 months of completing my certification. It may differ for you but I will also tell you that you will continue to part of a unique community as well as continue to get updates as they add or change the curriculum. It is a no brainer and in my opinion price should not be the reason you don’t invest in yourself!

OTA-FBShould I Enroll? 

I know as a personal trainer and fitness instructor money can be tight. Also, there are many other certifications that may enhance your skill set as a trainer, so you may be wondering if it is worth it. As I said before online training is not for everyone. If you are just staring out I would learn to master offline training before you dive into online training. Just my opinion! However, if you have been at it for awhile and wanting to gain some freedom and expand your opportunity to help more than those in your gym or local area then get certified to train online and build an online business. Trust me,there are other coaches and courses out there charging way more than the investment in the academy and you will not get even half the value. I have worked with some coaches and gone through some courses that make claims to be the best for trainers looking to create an online income but nothing at this point compares to the “Online Trainer Academy!”

>>Click Here to Enroll in The Online Trainer Academy<<

If you have questions and what to speak directly with me about the certification you can fill out the form below and I’ll get back to you [contact-form-7 id=”15291″ title=”Contact form 1″]

In health and wealth,

Coach Dave

Ultimate Transformation Program

Ultimate Transformation Program Revealed

I was taken aback by all the comments and feedback that everyone left on my previous video. After reflecting and thinking about how I could use my “super power” I have decided to open up my “Ultimate Transformation Program” again. Watch the video to see if you might be a fit for the program!

This was hard to share

Life is not always a straight line and sometimes you have to go through the trials and tribulations before you truly find yourself. Well after getting certified to coach at Orangetheory fitness I fell back in love with coaching and realized my super power is motivating people to reach their fullest potential!

Here is a link to the YouTube video https://youtu.be/2pGuqt_c6Oc