The Best iPhone Apps For the Small Business On The Go

The Best iPhone Apps For the Small Business On The Go





We now possess the ability to bring our work with us anywhere we go. This can sometimes be a bad thing, in the case of vacations or weekends, when the last thing you want to think about is that one client who was hounding you all week. But taking your job with you anywhere can also be great. Many of the core areas of business are performed digitally now, including marketing, inventory management and sales. This has allowed the development of some great apps for your iPhone. If you’re constantly on the move, whether that means running around town going to different meetings or flying to different continents for your business, here are a few apps you should not be without.

Google Docs

This is basically a mobile incarnation of Google’s popular document editing and sharing application. If you’re ever collaborating on a business proposal, speech or marketing strategy with another person or a group of people, this is a great app for you. The app continuously updates your documents so that other collaborators’ updates show up on your phone within seconds. Google Docs also features Google Cloud Print, which is an awesome feature that allows you to print wirelessly on the go.


Freshbooks Minibooks

Have you ever gotten a call from an old customer asking you to quote him a price on a project, but you don’t have all the numbers in front of you? This app allows you to view and send information about invoices, quotes, payments and more right from your iPhone. Freshbooks is the leading firm for online invoicing and MiniBooks’ clean design and great organization are evidence of that.


You’ve probably been to a farmer’s market or craft fair and seen vendors sliding customer’s credit cards through the little white square attached to the end of their iPhone. That, my friend, is Square. The app allows you to take credit card payments for goods on the go. Square’s rates are very reasonable (2.75 percent on all charges), and you can set up your account so the money gets deposited in your business’ bank account the next day. Don’t be the only game in town that doesn’t accept plastic. Go Square.

The ability to bring your work with you anywhere is great, and these apps help enhance that ability. The key to maintaining your sanity, however, is to know when to turn your phone off and enjoy your vacations, weekends and holidays. And there’s not an app for that. Yet.

“Brett T. writes about small business, new software, inventory management, and time management for the Blog Content Guild.


The one thing you need if you have a website

If I asked you today what is the ONE thing you’d like to have

more of that would help you build your business, chances are

the answer you’d give me is this:

*** Traffic ***

Ask around and the average internet marketer is after more

traffic to their sites.  In fact, unless you have a weenie

server hosting your site, there is no such thing as “too much”

quality traffic.

It’s what everyone wants.  Number one on the wish list!

In Jimmy D. Brown’s ground-breaking course, Sales Army Secrets,

he explains how to get traffic — and a lot of it — for FREE.

That is, how to get other people — a lot of them — sending it

to you at no cost to yourself.

Now, for the first and only time, he’s offering a limited number

of resale rights licenses to sell this course.

*** Now YOU can sell the course that

teaches what everyone wants!

You can sell the course for $97 per order and keep 100%!

(This is not another $20 ebook to sell … it’s a PREMIUM course

that sells for almost a hundred bucks a pop!)

-> License details are at

With your license, you receive …

1. A copy of the product to distribute. This includes both the

audio MP3 version (10 audio files … over 3 hours of meaty

audio!) and the text PDF version (105+ pages).

2. A copy of the bonuses to distribute. You will be able to

include the five bonuses ( SPECIAL REPORT: 8 Irresistible Ways

To Get ‘Super’ Affiliates To Enlist In Your Sales Army!,

AFFILIATE MAILINGS: 8 Autoresponder Mailings You Can Modify

And Send To Your Sales Army!, RECRUITING CHECKLIST: 20 Actions

You Can Take Today To Get New Affiliates For Your Program. ,

SPECIAL REPORT : Snail Mail Profits: How To Easily And

Affordably Use Snail Mail To Make Your Affiliates Love You!,

SPECIAL REPORT : How To Generate More Profit For Both You And

Your Affiliates In One Easy Step!) with every order.

3. A copy of the professional sales letter. Simply plug in your

own order link at the bottom of the page, upload it to your

site and you’re ready to take orders with this high-converting

sales letter.

The original course itself sells for $97 (or only $67 when it is

on sale).  You’d expect to pay at least $297 for a license to a

“premium” course like this, but Jimmy’s making them available to a

select few for the cost of the regular, personal use version!

That’s right, sell just ONE copy of the course and you’ve made

your entire resale rights investment back!

All the details are at…


Only a limited number of licenses are being sold on a “first

come, first served” basis.  This is going out to tens of thousands

of subscribers, affiliates and joint venture partners.

The point is this:  if you want a license to a product that

everyone wants which you can sell for $97 per order, you’d better

go grab this license now!  Once they are sold out, they are gone

for good.

If you’ve ever bought a resale rights license from Jimmy before,

then you know that his materials are FIRST RATE and you’ll almost

certainly recoup your investment with your very first promotion.

Get one while it lasts…

Best regards,

David McGarry

P.S. If you’ve been around internet marketing for any amount

of time at all, then you’ve heard the name “Allan Gardyne”.

Allan has been making a good living from affiliate programs

since 1998.  That’s well over a decade, folks.  His flagship

site, is widely recognized as the top

affiliate marketing sites period.  And he’s one of the most

influential marketers of the entire existence of marketing

on the Internet.

Here’s what Allan said about Sales Army Secrets in his

official review at his site…


“Just ONE tip from the book on how to recruit super affiliates

has had a dramatic impact on our affiliate program. Thanks,


“It zeroes in on the MOST IMPORTANT things you must know.

It’s an up-to-date manual on affiliate program management.

A superb book – fantastic value.”

“We’ll be reading and re-reading it. You should, too.”


Top 3 Marketing Trends for 2012

Top 3 Marketing Trends for 2012

1. Online Content Marketing

In the Information Age, the more information you can provide to potential customers, the more likely they are to learn from you, and find you to be a credible, reliable source. Credibility is the first step to earning confidence. Customer confidence leads to increased sales. Focus on delivering QUALITY content about your business and your services, and your public perception will increase…as will your sales.

2. Video Marketing

Cisco predicts that 80% of all internet traffic will be video by 2015. If you’re not learning about how to use video to grow your business online, it’s time to get started. Consider video presentations about your business and services. Go for quality and differentiate yourself from your competition early in the game. Video brochures, video newsletters, and regular video communications on your web site will identify your business as progressive and “in touch”. Become friends with your local video production company and get a leg up on your competition.

3. Social Media Marketing

Facebook will reach 1 Billion members in late 2011 or early 2012. That’s almost one quarter of the world’s population as members on one web site. If you don’t have a Facebook page, now is the time to get one. Social media isn’t just for idle workers. Businesses are using social media to connect to a larger world of customers. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and others are leading the way. But don’t just be a follower. Lead the way by using these great business applications that are take social media one step further: Chatter by, Jabber… Show and Share…and Quad…all by Cisco. From webcasting, and video sharing to cutting edge business networking applications, our world is going Social. Don’t get left behind. Be an early adapter and get a “leg up” on your competition.

How to Make Money as a Blogger in 3 Easy Steps

How to Make Money as a Blogger in 3 Easy Steps


You’ve heard of people turning their blogs into six-figure income centers. And you’ve heard of others who’ve started a blog, worked hard at it, and then eventually abandoned it because it didn’t make them a dime.


I’m sure you’d like to be in the former category rather than the latter.


You can increase your chances of doing so but following these three easy steps for making money as a blogger…


Step 1: Create quality content in a hot niche.


People aren’t interested in reading ads or “spun” articles that are nothing more than gibberish. They want solutions to their problems. And that means they need quality content. In other words, they want useful information that solves their problems.


Here’s the key, though: While the information you provide should be useful, it should also be incomplete.


That is, it shouldn’t completely solve your prospects’ problems. After all, if you completely solve your prospects’ problems, then they really have no need to buy what you’re selling.


One way to provide useful but incomplete solutions is by sharing articles that tell people what to do, but don’t go into detail about how to do it.


Example: A marketing blog might have the instruction “buy a good domain name at,” but it doesn’t get into the details of what it means to buy a “good” domain name. Then the blogger can point to a short report that tells people how to build a website (which includes how to choose a good domain name).


Step 2: Monetize your blog.


You’re already providing useful content. Soon you’ll have plenty of readers eyeballing this content. So before you bring in the traffic, you need to find ways to monetize the traffic. Here are three ways:


  • Promote products and services. These could be your own products or affiliate products.


  • Sell advertising space.


Example: You can sell a rotating banner ad on the home page of your blog. You can even sell plain text links.


  • Get people on your list. Instead of focusing on getting people to buy products or click on ads, you can focus on getting them on your list. Then you can build a relationship with them, which makes it easier for you to sell products on the backend.


Step 3: Drive traffic to your blog.


Your blog is ready to make some money – now you just need traffic! Here are three ways to get traffic:


  • Start a Facebook Fan Page.


  • Get JV (joint venture partners). Then co-promote each other on your blogs, such as by guest blogging.



There’s not enough room in this article to share with you all the tips you need to know to make a killing with your blog. That’s why you need the 31 Day Guide to Making Money as a Blogger. Get your copy at 

Top 10 Tips for Selling Items at Your Blog

Top 10 Tips for Selling Items at Your Blog

Last week I launched my latest book “Blogging for Profits” and wrote a post on “3 ways to make money as a blogger.” So,  have you started making money with your blog yet? If so, would you like to make more?

Then read on to discover 10 tips for selling more products, affiliate offers and other items on your blog…

  1. 1.   Create clever post titles. People don’t come to your blog to read advertisements. Instead, they come to read good content. And their first clue as to whether the content is good is based solely on the titles of your blog posts. That’s why you need to create interesting, benefit-driven post titles.

Example #1: Here’s an example of a ho-hum title: “Dog Training Tips”

Example #2: Now here’s an example of a title that will get people reading your posts: “10 Surefire Dog Training Tips That Will Have You Firing Your Dog Trainer!”

  1. 2.   Optimize your content for the search engines. Your blog won’t put a dime in your pocket if no one reads your content and sees your ads. That’s why you should seek to optimize your content to pull in traffic from the search engines. You do this by finding out what keywords your market is already searching for in Google, and then including these keywords in your articles two or three times per 100 words of text.
  1. 3.   Weave product recommendations into your content. Your ads shouldn’t be confined to your blog’s sidebar – you can also put them directly into your content.
  1. 4.   Post regularly, such as twice per week. Doing so makes your blog “sticky.” It also gives your readers a reason to keep coming back and again and again, which gives you another chance to sell them something.
  1. 5.   Create regular weekly features. This is another way to get your visitors to return on a regular basis.

Example: You can create a feature called “Friday’s Super Tip,” where you post your very best niche-related tip every week.

  1. 6.   Make use of your blog sidebar. You can post text ads, banner ads and other graphics, links to your best blog posts and a newsletter subscription form in your sidebar.
  1. 7.   Rotate products on your blog. Doing so keeps your blog fresh. But it also gives you a chance to track and test your offers to see which ones put the most money in your pocket
  1. 8.   Use pictures. You can post relevant pictures in your articles as well as your sidebar, which will work to draw people’s eyes to your content and ads. You can get these photos for as little as $1 each at stock photo sites.
  1. 9.   Encourage people to subscribe to your RSS feed. People who are subscribed are more likely to become a regular reader of your blog.

Don’t just rely on people subscribing to your RSS feed, however…

  1. 10.   Get people on your newsletter list. One way to do this is to password-protect some of your best posts, and then offer access to these posts only to those who’ve subscribed to your newsletter list.

These tips are just scraping the surface when it comes to making money with your blog. If you want to make real money with your blog, then you need an in-depth guide that shows you exactly how to set up a blog, create content for it and make money with it. You can get this guide by going to:

 Blogging for Profits