How to Create a Membership Site that Generates Passive Income Part I

People ask me all the time how I got started with Internet Marketing and  I tell them that there were two things. One, I wanted a way to take my knowledge and expand it using the web and second, it fulfilled a way for me to create passive income.

Simple Membership SystemThe response that I usually get from people after  I tell them this, is that they want to start a membership site and want to know how to get started. So, I decided t write a short series of posts describing to you how to get your own membership site up and running.

So you want to start a membership site.

The first thing you need to think about is your niche and your topic.

Now think about this for a moment…

Your goal is to get members to happily pay you month after month for content. Obviously, that means you need to:

  • Over-deliver with quality content. You want your members to feel like they’re getting a steal for the price.
  • Give your members what they want. If you’re just starting your site, then look to the top-selling products in your niche to see what your target market is already paying for.

But here’s something else…

In order to get your members paying month after month, you need to be able to make them look forward to each upcoming lesson. And the best way to do that is by creating a membership site around a step-by-step process. That is, your lessons teach your members how to achieve a specific result.

You see, if you just provide tips and tricks for your members, there’s no sense of continuity. Your members don’t develop as strong of a psychological commitment to staying a member, because they won’t have a need to see the course through until the end.

Now imagine having numbered steps and lessons instead. When someone is receiving lesson 10 of a step-by-step process, they’ve made an investment of time and money into learning the process – so they are less likely to “bail” before they’ve received all the steps.

Let me give you a few examples of sites that teach a specific achievement or result using a step-by-step process:

  • How to start an online business.
  • How to write a sales letter.
  • How to choose, train and raise a puppy.
  • How to adopt a child.
  • How to homeschool your child.

Now let me give you an example of what a 12-week online marketing course might look like:

Step 1: Choose a niche.

Step 2: Market research.

Step 3: Plan your sales funnel.

Step 4: Get a domain and hosting.

Step 5: Get an autoresponder.

Step 6: Write your autoresponder messages.

Step 7: Create a squeeze page.

Step 8: DIY product creation – research and outline.

Step 9: DIY product creation – creating and polishing the product.

Step 10: Create a sales letter.

Step 11: Drive traffic – free methods

Step 12: Drive traffic – paid methods.

Notice how each step builds on the previous step.

It starts with a member not even having an idea for a niche… and ends with the member driving traffic to a sales letter and making money.

In other words, if the member completes the steps as the course progresses, he or she should be able to enjoy a specific achievement or result by the end of the course.

 Note: The above example is a 12-week course. Naturally, you could easily stretch this out to a year or more by creating more steps and more in-depth steps. You could go on indefinitely as long as you kept providing more advanced info as the course progressed.

One final tip…

To keep your customers happy, make sure that they are progressing and enjoying results right from the beginning.

Example: If you create a yearlong course, don’t stretch out the process for a year. Instead, give the step-by-step instructions your customers need to experience some type of results immediately (within a few weeks or month after joining) and then provide more in-depth instructions as the course progresses.

In short: Satisfy your customers’ needs for instant gratification while still providing the continuity that will keep them as a member. You’ll learn more about that in Part 2 of this series.


7 Ways To Find Profitable Membership Site Ideas

7 Ways To Find Profitable Membership Site Ideas
By Jimmy D. Brown of Membership To Go

Some ideas burst into the air like a rocket.

Others quickly fizzle off into the night like a bottle rocket.

There’s a big difference between an “idea” and a “great idea”, right?

Fortunately, there’s also a simple process that you can follow to get great ideas for your membership site. If you’re unsure how to begin and are stuck for ideas, try out these tips. Your next membership site may not be that far away.


Begin by brainstorming your own life. Get personal! Creating your membership site is going to be much easier if you know a little bit about the market. That’s why it’s a great idea to start your ideas list with hobbies, interests and activities from your own life. Write down everything that you and your family members are passionate about or interested in. This list could be a goldmine for your membership site.


Ebook and video course creators have done a lot of niche market research in order to create their products. You can piggyback on this research specifically by keeping an eye on “product launches”. For example, if you see a lot of products being produced on article marketing you can safely assume that a membership site on the same topic would do well. Subscribe to email lists in your potential market to watch for product launches and get ideas for your site.


Persuse means “to examine in detail”. It also begins with “p” so it fits my outline.
If you want a comprehensive list of existing electronic products that are selling well, is the place to go. Search through the marketplace to find out what topics your market is interested in learning about. You’ll be able to find new market ideas, content to fill your site as well as affiliate offers to create some backend sales.


Visit’s best-seller list. Amazon is the top bookseller online so it makes sense to search their marketplace for membership site ideas. The bestseller lists in various categories will help you see what topics are popular. You can easily gather membership site ideas from these lists. Hint: Go with the topics that are popular.


Forums are the pulse of your market. You can be sure that a market has members that would be willing to pay if there is an active forum dedicated to that topic. Track down some popular forums in your potential market and spend some time browsing through the topics. See what the market is talking about. Pay close attention to the FAQs section and the threads that have a lot of activity. These are indicators of the kinds of topics which might serve as a topic for your next membership site.


You gotta go to! This website is full of membership site ideas. If a market has a buying audience, there is probably a magazine out there dedicated to it. Magazines don’t get started without advertising dollars to back them up. If advertisers are paying to get to a market, it’s a safe bet that you can create a membership site for the same market. On you can search by category to find membership site ideas. I love this place!


The final stop I want to mention is Yahoo groups. These free e-mail discussion lists cover a wide variety of topics. Subscribe to a few groups in your potential market to look for ideas. The benefit of using groups like these is that you’ll often be able to see problems in the market that aren’t currently being met by other products.

By going through these simple outlets you are sure to find a great idea for your next membership site.

If you’d like a shortcut for finding a great idea — and an even bigger shortcut to getting a membership site setup and taking orders, grab a copy of the Membership To Go package.

Membership To Go is a complete, one-year membership site that you can license for your own use. This has never been offered before and it includes EVERYTHING you need to get started, including private label rights to the membership content, its sales letter, presell report, articles and other marketing materials.

Set it up at your site, sell as many memberships as you want, keep 100% of every sale.

Get all the details at:

Plus, the topic is related to one of the most popular niches in the world. A market that has had multiple million dollar launches, countless sales every single day and a huge marketplace of potential buyers.

Jimmy D. Brown is the founder of the PLR industry and creator of Membership To Go, an “everything included” membership site package that you can setup at your site and keep 100% of every sale you make. Details at

Internet Marketing Advisor Podcast Episode #2 “Why You Need a Coach!”

In the this podcast episode I talk about if you want to succeed in your business you absolutely need a coach.

Internet-Marketing-Episode#2 “Why You Need a Coach!”

It also talks about:

  • A little background on me and how coaching has helped me
  • What is business coaching
  • Why you need a coach if you want to succeed

I would love to hear your thoughts on this, so please leave comment below.

To your success,

Coach Dave

An introduction to an Online Entrepreneur and my very first Podcast!

After 6 years of procrastinating I have finally uploaded a podcast to the site. This podcast will briefly discuss the following:

My story

Inspiration for you to start your own business

What to expect from future podcasts

An introduction to an online entrepreneur

I hope you enjoy this podcast and I look forward to bringing you more. My goal is to do one a week!


Free video reveals how to get free traffic to your website


I hope you are not like me and thought that if, “You build it they will come!” I had to learn the hard way because when I first built my membership site Working Mom Workouts I though that all I had to do is build the site, post some articles and tips and bam I would get a ton of traffic to my website! Boy was I wrong and I wasted a year thinking that if I just wrote more articles I would get ranked by Google. Wrong again! Finally though I came across Russell Brunson and his traffic generating systems.

So, let me ask you, “Do you need more traffic to your site?”  Check out this new video that will help you get FREE traffic FAST.

Check it out here:

It will show you a very simple, step by step process for getting traffic to ANY website at ANY time. It`s literally as simple as saying:

… Send traffic to, and minutes later floods of people are showing up at your site!

Sound like something you could use?

Ya, I thought so. 🙂 I hope you love the video:
Dave McGarry

P.S. – on the video he will show you something called the Oprah traffic method… it works REALLY fast. 🙂