Dave’s Daily Motivation is brought to you by Dave Mcgarry who is an entrepreneur and passive income coach. Everyday Dave brings you a quick tip or something motivational to get you to take action to help you reach your goals and dreams of being a successful entrepreneur. Today the word is “Goals.” See what you need to do to finish this year strong and make it your best year ever!
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Hey everyone! Welcome to the first edition of Dave’s Daily Dose of Motivation. Sorry to disappoint you if you were looking or thinking something else. Dave’s Daily Dose of Motivation is going to provide entrepreneurs and small business owners daily motivation and tips to help them achieve more, be inspired, and take action in their business and life. I hope you enjoy them and please share with others who might need a little bit of motivation or inspiration to continue on with their goals and dreams!
Below is episode #1
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Dave McGarry Your Passive Income Coach
3 Simple Ways to Leverage Your Expertise to Make Passive Income
Do you remember the song “Party Like it is 1999” by Prince? Man, I remember that song and the year like it was yesterday! As they say, “Those were the Good Old Days” and it was also the time period that I first started thinking about how to leverage my expertise as a personal trainer with the Internet. I mean if you had a dot com (name.com) you were bound to strike it rich and retire young back in those days. Shoot I remember all my friends telling me that they were going to cash in on their stock options and retire by the time they were 30. I was so jealous and wanted to come up with a way to leverage my knowledge and expertise and use the Internet but how was I going to do it. Well, unfortunately it was still a little to early to fully use the Internet to leverage your expertise but that is not the case today! It has never been easier and my dreams and goals of having a successful Internet business have finally come to fruition. Yours can too and if you follow these 3 steps you will be on your way to using your knowledge and expertise to make passive income online!
Here are the 3 simple ways to leverage your expertise to make passive income:
#1: Create An Offer. It all begins with creating a new offer. This is almost exclusively an “information” based product or service and includes small reports, ebooks, membership sites, physical products, coaching programs and software applications. It all hinges upon writing tiny, 7-15 page special reports. That’s all! And, if you don’t feel comfortable writing even these bite-sized reports, you can hire a “ghostwriter” to do it for you!
#2: Build A List. With a new offer created, you then send out multiple mailings to all of your lists. This, as you can imagine, creates a flurry of orders instantly … literally within minutes of sending out the mailing orders begin to arrive. Some who use this system have tens of thousands of subscribers on their lists and more coming in every single day.
#3: Notify Partners. Want to know what to do to generate “traffic” to your site? It’s simple: I notify my affiliates and partners of my new offers … and THEY do all of the work for you! Whether it’s a full-time affiliate manager, a member of an affiliate program or limited joint venture partners, almost 100% of the traffic in this system is generated by OTHER PEOPLE. And — get this — the lists that I mentioned earlier … those are built through partner traffic as well!
Simply put if you want to leverage your expertise and make passive income online all you need to do is implement these 3 simple ways. The beauty of this is it can be done in any niche and for any subject. I have always believed that if you have valuable information and want to reach a mass of people to help them with a particular problem they face, then it is your responsibility to get it out there. So, what are you waiting for get started today leveraging your knowledge and make some passive income online!
If you are want a complete step by step system to show you everything you need to know to have a successful Internet business where you use your knowledge then check out my Internet Copy System.
To your success,
Dave McGarry