20 minute payday price increase

I wanted to get this out to you and get you to act right now. I have gone through half the training and I have learned a ton of information that I will be applying to my new products that I am launching soon. Unfortanutely, had I bought this sooner I might already be to market with my new information products for fitness professionals. Please take a look at this. It is the best $37 you could spend. Who knows it could be the product that sets you free and allows you  to create financial freedom. Here is the email with the link.

I just received word that the price of 20 Minute Payday
is going to go up…

If you have waited to see if decide you
should invest in 20 Minute Payday, well it’s

==>> http://texasdmcg.20minpay.hop.clickbank.net

They haven’t said what the price will jump to,
only that it will be going up after this initial
promotion ends.

You might be thinking that this is just a
“Marketing PLOY”, but I did some checking
and found out that Russell usually does this.

I guess a few months ago he launched a product called”Instant Social Anarchy”.
Without WARNING he jacked up the price by $100!

Don’t pay more than you have to.

Get access today, and start making money NOW.

David McGarry

Don’t say you weren’t warned…

==>> http://texasdmcg.20minpay.hop.clickbank.net

*The sender of this email receives
compensation for products purchased
herein. This is an ad.

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